Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 258

Recreational Trails Program ( RTP )
The reauthorization of the RTP was incorporated into SAFETEA-LU program since its inception . This 5-year program will have distributed a total of $ 370 million nationwide , an increase of $ 100 million over TEA-21 . During the life of SAFETEA-LU program , it is anticipated that over $ 3 million will be available for distribution in Texas each year . The RTP application , administered by Texas Park Wildlife Department ( TPWD ), are due June 15 of each year . Thirty percent of the program funds must be spent for non-motorized trails , 30 percent for motorized trails , and the remaining 40 percent can be allocated for either option . New to SAFETEA-LU is a strong emphasis on trail construction . Funds can be spent to construct new recreational trails , improve or maintain existing trails , develop or improve trailheads or trailside facilities , install signage , purchase trail tools , and acquire trail corridors or easements . Currently , reimbursements from this program may range between $ 5,000 and $ 100,000 , though the limits may be increased by TPWD in the future . Federal guidelines allow RTP-funded trails to receive up to an 80 percent funding match , and other federal agencies , such as the Army Corps of Engineers , can raise the total federal share to 95 percent . Allowable costs for the sponsor ’ s match can include appraised value of donated land or easement , service contracts , volunteer labor , materials , rental equipment , or money . Most funds are awarded to soft-surface trails .
Trails can be on public or private lands . However , to receive funding for trails on private lands , the sponsor must obtain a legally-binding easement , lease , or license satisfactory to TPWD , and keep the trail open to the public for a minimum of twenty ( 20 ) years . Trails on private lands cannot be managed as a commercial enterprise . Development of urban trail linkages near homes and workplaces , including trail links to schools , parks , and existing trails , must be used for recreational purposes . A trail less than one-half mile long is eligible only if interpretation or disabled access is its primary recreational purpose . Trails or walkways to connect facilities within parks are not eligible . Trail restoration or rehabilitation includes rerouting or repair of areas damaged by trail use , flooding , or erosion . Eligible facilities include signs and displays , restrooms , parking areas , drinking water , horse-watering facilities , hitching posts / corrals , bike racks , benches , fencing , and bollards . Ineligible facilities include those that support other recreation activities , landscaping , or buildings . For additional Recreational Trails Program information , contact Trey Cooksey , State Parks Trails Coordinator at 512 / 389-8743 or email at trey . cooksey @ tpwd . state . tx . us
Safe Routes to School ( SRTS )
The SRTS is managed by TxDOT . SRTS is a program funded through the U . S . Department of Transportation ’ s Federal Highway Administration ( FHWA ). The program was established under SAFETEA-LU . The SRTS program focuses on incorporating the 5 “ E ’ s ”: engineering , education , encouragement , enforcement , and evaluation , to promote a healthy lifestyle and safe environment near schools .
TxDOT received $ 40 million to allocate between 2005 and 2009 to facilitate the planning , development , and implementation of projects that encourage walking and bicycling to and from school . In 2007 , the first SRTS projects awarded $ 24.8 million to Texas school districts . In 2009 , the TxDOT announced its second round for the SRTS program in the Texas Register . Approved SRTS funding allocation for 2009 was $ 13,500,000 . The timing of the next call for funding will be determined after this cycle is completed . There are three different types of applications : Non- Infrastructure Plan Implementation , Non-Infrastructure Statewide Services , and Infrastructure Projects . The Non-Infrastructure and Infrastructure applications require that a SRTS Plan be submitted for consideration of funding .
The TxDOT SRTS State Coordinator and regional SRTS staff have hosted dozens of meetings around the state to explain the new SRTS application process . Grantees are required to complete evaluation and scoring forms with each application . Texas also utilizes the Texas Transportation Institute to formally evaluate the success of the program . To learn more about SRTS , visit the links below for more information :
D-4 | Appendix D : Funding Resources