Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 265


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11 . etc .) Minimize the amount that could be spent overhead and design .
Demonstrate that you are leveraging funds and that this is not the only funding source ; no one wants to be a sole source of funds for a project or program .
Demonstrate community support through letters from neighborhood associations , advocacy groups , and local businesses .
Nonprofit / Volunteer Groups
Many volunteer groups have established a history of developing trails throughout their communities . Nature , equestrian , and off-road bicycle trails can be built and maintained with the help of volunteer groups . Their efforts can be used as part of the required match for the Recreational Trails Program , ( generally at $ 10 per volunteer hour , unless a volunteer is providing pro bono services in his normal line of work , then at his standard hourly rate ). There are a variety of sources for nonprofit and volunteers , including national organizations , user groups , local residents , corporate community service initiatives , and business and civic support groups . Shared-use trails have spawned a widespread movement of local , non-profit organizations . Many of them have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to plan and construct trails . A few of these organizations include :
The Trust for Public Land
The Trust for Public Land ( TPL ) is a national , nonprofit , land conservation organization that conserves land for people to enjoy as parks , community gardens , historic sites , rural lands , and other natural places , ensuring livable communities for generations to come . The Trust for Public Lands mission statement includes conserving land for people to enjoy as parks , gardens , and other natural places , ensuring livable communities for generations to come . Since 1972 , TPL has worked with willing landowners , community groups , and national , state , and local agencies to complete close to 4,000 land conservation projects in 47 states , protecting 2.8 million acres . Since 1994 , TPL has helped states and communities craft and pass over 380 ballot measures , generating $ 36 billion in new conservation-related funding . TPL ’ s professional staff bridges the gap between the demands of the fast-moving private sector and the needs of public agencies to acquire important lands at a fair value . TPL seeks long-term relationships with local governments by providing services that include setting priorities for conservation , raising conservation funds , and acquiring land for public use . As an independent nonprofit , TPL can work in the marketplace in ways that public agencies often cannot . TPL can lend real estate expertise to complex land transactions and bridge gaps in public finances to secure and hold vital lands until the public acquisition process can proceed . TPL is a 501 ( c )( 3 ) tax-exempt organization .
TLP Conservation Initiatives include :
• Parks for People : Working in cities and suburbs across America to ensure that everyone — in particular , every child — enjoys close-to-home access to a park , playground , or natural area .
• Working Lands : Protecting the farms , ranches , and forests that support land-based livelihoods and rural ways of life .
• Natural Lands : Conserving wilderness , wildlife habitat , and places of natural beauty for our children ’ s children to explore .
• Heritage Lands : Safeguarding places of historical and cultural importance that keep us in touch with the past and who we are as a people .
• Land & Water : Preserving land to ensure clean drinking water and to protect the natural beauty of our coasts and waterways .
TLP Conservation Services include :
• Conservation Vision : TPL helps agencies and communities define conservation priorities , identify lands to be protected , and plan networks of conserved land that meet public need .
• Conservation Finance : TPL helps agencies and communities identify and raise funds for conservation from federal , state , local , and philanthropic sources .
• Conservation Transactions : TPL helps structure , negotiate , and complete land transactions that create parks , playgrounds , and protected natural areas .
• Research & Education : TPL acquires and
Appendix D : Funding Resources | D-11