Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 255



D . Funding Resources

Appendix Contents Overview Federal Funding Sources State Funding Sources
Nonprofit / Volunteer Groups
Local Funding Sources


Implementing the proposed recommendations of the Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan will require a strong level of local support and commitment to obtain funding through a combination of federal , state , local , and private sources .
To implement the Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan , it will be critical that the integration of bicycle and pedestrian considerations be included with the City of Arlington ’ s mission , plans , policies , processes , and improvement projects . The intent is to change bicycling and walking in the City of Arlington from being perceived as “ alternative ” activities to being treated as “ mainstream ” activities by including them in documents used by decision-makers within the community . Every community differs and can find unique and effective ways to successfully accomplish pedestrian and bicycle improvements .
Competition is often very strong for state and federal funds , so it becomes critical that local governments work together to create partnerships to build pedestrian and bicycle improvement projects that are meaningful . Often , the long term success of a master plan is based on the communities ’ dedication of a local revenue stream for bicycle and greenway projects . It will be important that the City of Arlington fully evaluate all of its options and develop a funding strategy that can meet the community ’ s needs .
The following section describes specific funding sources and strategies that can be used to support and construct the Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan recommendations . Creative planning and monitoring of funding options can potentially create new opportunities for additional funding sources that may not be included in this document . The City should strive to implement projects with high visibility to show local commitment and to build future momentum . The City should evaluate and set priorities to make hike and bike improvements . Priorities are usually opportunities associated with roadway improvement projects , schools , parks , urban centers , and neighborhoods that provide connectivity within the City and the surrounding communities .
Appendix D : Funding Resources | D-1