Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 256


Federal Funding Sources
The National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse has prepared a useful Technical Brief : Financing and Funding for Trails , which cites over thirty federal and national funding sources that could be used to help fund bicycling and walking improvements and / or programs , particularly trails . It is noted that prior to 1992 , only a few million dollars per year of federal funds were being invested in bicycle or pedestrian facilities . While the energy crisis in 1970 ’ s spawned new interest in bicycle planning , very little money from government or nongovernment sources was invested in bicycle and pedestrian facilities . Throughout the 1970 ’ s and into 1980 ’ s , the greatest amount of funding for bicycling and walking were invested by state and local parks agencies building multiuse trails ; levels of investment were very small compared to what they are today .
Starting in 1992 with the passage of ISTEA ( the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act ), over $ 3 billion has been invested in bicycle and pedestrian projects , planning , safety , and promotion programs across the nation . Federal and state requirements for cost-sharing have brought state agencies , local governments , non-profit groups and private foundations fully into the funding stream . The growth in public funding at all levels of government has been tremendous since 1992 . Park departments , health departments , land management agencies , schools , and law enforcement agencies are spending funds on bicycle and pedestrianrelated activities . Foundations and other notfor-profit organizations are increasingly investing their resources into bicycle and pedestrian safety and promotion activities .
Today , some of the more frequently utilized federal programs used to improve pedestrian and bicycle access include :
Transportation Enhancement ( TE ) Program
The Transportation Enhancement ( TE ) Program is administered by the Texas Department of Transportation ( TxDOT ). Transportation enhancement projects fall under 12 different categories , which include projects such as pedestrian and bike facilities ( including bike trails ), conversion of abandoned rail corridors into trails , and acquisition of scenic vistas . All projects must be related , in some way , to transportation . In each state , regional coordinators recommend projects be approved at the state level . TE projects are considered Federal-aid reimbursement activities , which means that sponsors receive funding after expenditures have been made . The federal government provides 80 percent of the funds , and the municipalities need to contribute a 20 percent match . The federal government gives final approval to the projects and distributes the funds directly to the municipalities or nonprofits . The TE program funds transportation-related activities contributing to quality communities , preserving the environment , encouraging multimodal travel , and enhancing the aesthetics of roadways . More Information is available at www . enhancements . org .
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ( ARRA )
The ARRA was signed into law by President Obama on February 17 , 2009 . It is an unprecedented effort to jumpstart our economy , create or save millions of jobs , and place a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century .
The AARA includes measures to modernize our nation ’ s infrastructure , enhance energy independence , expand educational opportunities , preserve and improve affordable health care , provide tax relief , and protect those in greatest need . Through the U . S . Department of Transportation , up to $ 1.5 billion in ARRA funding is avail-
D-2 | Appendix D : Funding Resources