Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 254

taking public transit . When roads are re-designed and maintained to attract pedestrians , the local economy improves and diversifies from increased buyers , which creates job growth and increased investment in the area , including surrounding property values ;
WHEREAS , studies have found that providing more travel options , including public transportation , bicycling and walking facilities , is an important element in reducing congestion . When roads are better designed for bicycling , walking , and taking transit , more people do so ;
WHEREAS , the construction of “ Complete Streets ” can be an essential component in reducing automobile trips since nearly fifty percent of all trips in metropolitan areas are three miles or less and twenty-eight percent are one mile or less – distances easily covered by foot or bicycle . Sixty-five percent of trips under one mile are now made by automobile , in part because of incomplete streets that make it dangerous or unpleasant to walk , bicycle , or take transit ;
WHEREAS , other jurisdictions and agencies nationwide have adopted “ Complete Streets ” legislation , including the United States Department of Transportation , numerous state transportation agencies including Florida , regions including the Capitol Area ( Austin ) Metropolitan Planning Organization ( MPO ) and the San Antonio-Bexar County MPO , and cities such as North Little Rock , Miami , Chicago , San Diego , and Seattle ;
WHEREAS , the “ Complete Streets ” concept is supported by the Institute of Traffic Engineers , American Planning Association and the National Association of Local Boards of Health many other transportation , planning and public health professionals ; and
WHEREAS , the City Of Arlington strives to be a regional leader in First Lady Michelle Obama ’ s “ Let ’ s Move ” program encouraging our youth to increase their daily physical activity .
NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the Arlington City Council that the Arlington City Council requests that staff partner with community organizations and assess current street standards and land use and transportation plans with regard to the “ Complete Streets ” concept ; identify relevant elements within the City ’ s existing plans , regulations and operational standards that support the implementation of “ Complete Streets ” within the City ; and identify the gaps and opportunities to supplement and fund said plans , regulations and standards in order to achieve the implementation of “ Complete Streets ” throughout the City and provide Council with guidance towards the creation of a “ Complete Streets ” ordinance .
ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON __________________________, 2010 .
Approved as to form :
________________________________ City Clerk
_______________________________ Assistant City Attorney
C-24 | Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies