Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 251

for the Development of Bicycle Facilities for bicycle lanes cannot be met , these variances will be submitted as design exceptions to the Roadway Design Exception Committee . For new shared lanes on a signed , designated bicycle route , the minimum lane width shall be 14 ft [ 4.2 m ]. Proposed widths less than 14 ft [ 4.2 m ] will require approval by the Roadway Design Exception Committee . ( Roadway Design Manual )
• If the minimum requirements given in the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities for bicycle paths cannot be met , these variances will be handled by design waivers at the district level . ( Roadway Design Manual )
See each manual for more policy specifics .
State of Texas – Context Sensitive Solutions “ Texas Moves Toward Creating Streets for People ” The Texas Department of Transportation became the first state DOT to adopt the Context Sensitive Solutions in Designing Major Urban Thoroughfares for Walkable Communities , written by the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Congress for the New Urbanism in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency . The document provides guidance in creating streets for all users that are consistent with the surrounding community . The result should be more and better sidewalks , more appropriate vehicle speeds , safer and more frequent pedestrian crossings , landscaping and stormwater management , and safer intersections - complete streets . This decision of TxDOT shows how we are moving towards “ sustainable development patterns , rather than just mitigating traffic congestion .”
Regional Policies ( North Central Texas Council of Governments ) The North Central Texas Council of Governments has a Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation program that was established in 1992 to address the various activities related to implementing bicycle and pedestrian projects as an alternative mode of regional transportation within the region .
The Mobility 2030 Plan contains a Bicycle and Pedestrian Chapter which details , in depth , various regional policies . One of the key focus areas is the development of the regional Veloweb system . A recommended policy is :
“ To ensure the adequate attention to the funding needs of the Veloweb , it may be necessary to ensure local project selection under the Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program ( STEP ).”
Many states already allow Metropolitan Planning Organizations ( MPOs ) to select projects . Thus , this Plan supports a change in state policy to ensure MPO selection of transportation enhancement
Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies | C-21