Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 252


C . 6 Complete Streets Policy
Over 125 government agencies nationwide have adopted a Complete Streets policy to support the intent to change the burden of proof so that building sidewalks and bikeways becomes standard practice , instead of the present practice of demonstrating a need to build sidewalks and bikeways . Changing the burden of proof means that more sidewalks and bikeways will be built . It means they will be built at a steady pace , as government funds are invested at specific intersections , in districts , and along corridors . It means that citizens will begin seeing continuous , interconnected networks of safe opportunities for hiking and biking .
Recommended Complete Streets Policy
Sidewalks and bikeways are currently built in Arlington as special projects when justifiable by a demonstrated need , based on observations of pedestrians or bicyclists and only when space within the right-of-way and budgeted funds are sufficient . Over a period of time , the outcome of the established practice is a limited , disconnected patchwork of bicycle and pedestrian opportunities .
A recommendation of this Plan is for the Arlington City Council to adopt a resolution , then an ordinance adopting a Complete Streets Policy . The policy would establish the expectation by City Council that local , state and federal government funds spent to build and repair intersections and streets in Arlington will always consider the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists of all ages and abilities as facilities are designed and redesigned . The policy should have each of the following elements :
• Vision statement
• Includes all modes of travel
• Emphasizes connectivity
• Applies to all transportation projects and phases
• Specifies and limits exceptions to the policy , with management approval required
• Uses latest design standards and flexibility
• Is context-sensitive
• Sets performance measures
• Includes implementation steps
C-22 | Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies