Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 250

balance budgets and save money . When school districts face financial challenges , a common target for cuts are the school transportation system by cutting back bus routes , trimming the number of bus stops , or widening the walk radius around a school .
School Siting Only about 35 % of students in the United States live within two miles of their school . Statewide policies on school siting , acreage requirements , joint-use , and renovations can profoundly impact the percentage of students who live within walking or bicycling distance of their school .
State Policies ( TxDOT ) To date , Texas does not have a Complete Streets policy , but the Texas Department of Transportation ( TxDOT ) does consider bicycling and walking as important modes of transportation . TxDOT has created several manuals that specify specific policies regarding bicycle and pedestrian planning and development . These manuals include , but are not limited to , the Project Development Process Manual ( Chapter 5 , Section 4 Roadway Design ), Landscape and Aesthetics Design Manual , ( Chapter 3 , Section 4 Design Bicyclist and Pedestrian Facilities and Chapter 4 , Section 10 Bicycle and Pedestrian Access ), and the Roadway Design Manual ( Chapter 6 , Section 4 Bicycle Facilities ).
A few excerpts from these manuals are below :
• Designers of any type of transportation improvement should consider the need for bicyclist and pedestrian accommodations . Designs must consider these legitimate forms of travel so that safety of all travelers is maximized . ( Project Development Process Manual )
• TxDOT guidance states that when any of the following factors are present , sidewalks should be included on a project :
o Facility is part of a locally adopted sidewalk planning document ; o There is evidence of pedestrian traffic ( either pedestrians are observed , there is a beaten path , or significant potential exists for pedestrians to walk in the roadway ); or o Facility is located on a route to a school or a transit route . o In addition , where pedestrian generators / attractors exist , new sidewalk construction may be considered . o All pedestrian facilities must be designed according to the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines ( ADAAG ) and the Texas Accessibility Standards ( TAS ). ( Project Development Process Manual )
• If the minimum requirements stated in the AASHTO Guide
C-20 | Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies