Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 240

6 . Increase public awareness of the availability of facilities , benefits , and safety issues related to walking and cycling .
7 . Support Safe Routes to School initiatives .
• Trail Section Goal: Create a safe , efficient pedestrian and bicycle trail network that will connect users to key destinations , provide connections to adjacent cities , provide opportunities for a wide variety of recreational activities , and encourage walking and cycling .
• Trail Section Policies: 1 .
Maintain and improve the quality and operation of trail facilities .
2 . Create a well-connected network of pedestrian and bicycle facilities so as to improve connectivity and access .
3 . Provide adequate amenities and end-of-trip facilities for cyclists .
• Trail Section Strategies: 1 .
Implement recommendations in the adopted Hike and Bike System Master Plan , such as creating a Hike and Bike Advisory Committee , acquiring Bicycle Friendly Community status from the League of American Bicyclists , and creating a user-friendly website and trail maps .
2 . Coordinate Arlington ’ s bicycle and pedestrian system with the regional Veloweb Plan and the plans of adjacent cities to maximize regional connectivity .
3 . Identify and pursue funding sources to help with implementation of the Master Plan .
C-10 | Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies