Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 239


C . 2 Draft Arlington Comprehensive Plan ( 2010 )
The Arlington Comprehensive Plan , which was being developed during this planning process , will provide goals , guidance , and recommendations for the various planning realms within Arlington . Once adopted , this document will set forth goals , policies and strategies for Arlington to grow and prosper as a 21 st century city .
Bicycling and walking are supported throughout the Plan , especially in the Transportation Chapter . Strategies are identified that build upon the existing roadway network , while looking for ways to maintain , enhance and improve mobility for all users .
Below are some key excerpts from Draft Comprehensive Plan that relate to bicycle , pedestrian , and trail issues :
• Roadway Section Goal : “ to provide a safe , efficient , and reliable roadway network that supports a multi-modal transportation system .”
• Roadway Section Policy : ” Educate the public on the benefits of a multi-modal system ”
• Roadway Section Strategy: “ Update the TDP and Design Criteria Manual to incorporate Context Sensitive Design principles ”
• Roadway Section Strategy: “ Incorporate access management standards into all new roadway or reconstruction projects .
• On-Road Bicycle and Pedestrian System Strategies: 1 .
Maintain existing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure . 2 . Implement the adopted Hike and Bike System Master Plan .
3 . Identify and pursue funding to implement bicycle and pedestrian projects .
4 . Require new developments and redevelopment projects to provide sidewalks and bicycle connections throughout and around the perimeter of their project or preserve rightof-way in accordance with the City ’ s Hike and Bike System Master Plan .
5 . Improve existing facilities to meet new standards .
Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies | C-9