Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 238

City of Arlington Hike & Bike Policy Analysis ( continued )
Source Reference Existing Text Suggested Change Notes
Entire Design NA Criteria Manual
Design Criteria Manual
Code of Ordinances : Traffic and Motor Vehicles
[ Add ]: Need to add pedestrian , bicycle and alternative non-motorized transportation language and guidelines throughout the entire Design Criteria Manual . These modes need to be stressed as equally if not more important than automobile provisions and facilities . Sidewalks , bicycle lanes , other pedestrian facilities , and bicycle racks need to be required with all new development and should follow the recommendations and design guidelines set forth in the Arlington Hike and
Article I Definitions
[ Add New Definition ]: Bicyclist : means a person
operating a bicycle .
Code of Ordinances : Traffic and Motor Vehicles
Code of Ordinances : Traffic and Motor Vehicles Code of Ordinances : Traffic and Motor Vehicles
Code of Ordinances : Traffic and Motor Vehicles
Code of Ordinances : Traffic and Motor Vehicles
Article I Definitions
[ Add New Definition ]: Sidewalk : Shall mean a right-ofway , publicly owned , 5 ’ or more in width which provides pedestrian access along a roadway . The design standards for all pedestrian amenities in the Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan shall be adhered to for new streets and modifications to existing streets .
Article I Definitions
[ Add New Definition ]: Traffic : Pedestrians and vehicles
including bicycles , automobiles and other conveyances
either singly or together while using streets for the
purposes of travel .
Article I Definitions
[ Add New Definition ]: Crosswalks : Shall mean a rightof-way
, publicly owned , 10 ’ or more in width , which cuts
across a block for the purpose of improving pedestrian
access to adjacent streets or properties . Sidewalks and
crosswalks must be ADA compliant and shall be installed
in accordance to the Arlington Hike and Bike System
Master Plan .
Article I Definitions
[ Add New Definition ]: Pedestrian Easements : In such cases and at such locations as the Planning and Zoning Commission deems advisable , easements alongside or near lot lines not exceeding 20 ’ in width may be required for pedestrian or bicycle traffic to and from schools , neighborhood parks , and other places that may attract or generate such traffic .
Article II Operation of Vehicles in City ; Section 2.13 Bicycle Helmets
[ Add ]: Add bicycle ordinance and bicycle parking text and change section title to Bicycles
Code of Ordinances : Traffic and Motor Vehicles
Article II Operation of Vehicles in City ; Section 2.13 Bicycle Helmets
It is unlawful for any child to operate or ride upon a bicycle or any side car , trailer , child carrier , seat or other device attached to a bicycle unless the child is wearing a helmet .
[ Change }: Consider requiring helmets for ALL bicycle riders regardless of age .
Code of Ordinances : Traffic and Motor Vehicles
Article V General Parking Requirements
[ Add ]: Add bicycle parking ordinance text and add section title Bicycle Parking
C-8 | Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies