Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 237

City of Arlington Hike & Bike Policy Analysis ( continued )
Existing Text
Suggested Change
Section 4.6
Sidewalks shall be placed on
[ Change ]: Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 5 ’ in width .
both sides of the street within the
In accordance with the Arlington Hike and Bike System
Division / Department right-ofway , shall be 4 ’ wide and
Master Plan Design Guidelines .
of Public Works ;
placed 1 ’ off the right-of-way line .
Section 5.6
If necessary , sidewalks may be
placed closer to the curb , but no
Design Criteria Manual
Division / Department of Public Works ; and Section 6.6 Engineering Division / Department of Public Works closer than 2 ’ except where site restrictions require the sidewalk to be placed closer to the curb . In these cases , the sidewalk shall be adjacent to the curb and shall be 6 ’ in width .
In accordance with ADA standards
Design Criteria Manual
Section 4.6 Engineering Division / Department of Public Works ; Section 5.6 Engineering Division / Department of Public Works ; and Section 6.6 Engineering Division / Department of Public Works
If obstructions are within the [ Change ]: If obstructions are within the path of a proposed In accordance path of a proposed sidewalk , the sidewalk , the sidewalk width and placement may be with ADA sidewalk width and placement may adjusted to allow the obstruction to remain . The sidewalk standards be adjusted to allow the obstruction shall be a minimum of 5 ’ in width . In accordance with to remain . In these cases , a the Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan Design minimum sidewalk width of 3 ’ shall Guidelines . be maintained .
Design Criteria Manual
Design Criteria Manual
Section 4.6 Engineering Division / Department of Public Works ; Section 5.6 Engineering Division / Department of Public Works ; and Section 6.6 Engineering Division / Department of Public Works
APPENDIX J Paving and Drainage Plan Checklist Subdivisions
Access ramps shall be designed and constructed at all street intersections concurrent with the street construction . Mid-block ramps are required for local streets and at signalized locations .
[ Change ]: Curb ramps should be fully contained within the markings . The design standards for all pedestrian amenities in the Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan shall be adhered to for new streets and modifications to existing streets . Crosswalks : Shall mean a right-of-way , publicly owned , 10 ’ or more in width , which cuts across a block for the purpose of improving pedestrian access to adjacent streets or properties . The use of traffic calming devices such as raised intersections , lateral shifts , and roundabouts are encouraged as alternatives to conventional traffic control measures with approval of the Planning and Zoning Commission . A pedestrian crosswalk at least 10 ’ in width may be required to provide convenient public access to a public area such as a park , greenway , or school , or to a water area such as a stream , river , or lake . Sidewalks and crosswalks must be ADA compliant and shall be installed in accordance to the Arlington Hike
Throughout Checklist
[ Change ]: Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 5 ’ in width .
In accordance
with ADA
Design Criteria Manual
APPENDIX H Intersection Geometric Layouts
Throughout All Drawings [ Change ]: Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 5 ’ in width . [ Add ]: Intersection Design Guidelines found in the Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan .
In accordance with ADA standards
Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies | C-7