Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 241


City of Arlington Hike & Bike Policy Analysis
C . 3 Bicycle Ordinance ( standalone ordinance )
The City of Arlington has bicycle-related ordinance articles found throughout the Code of Ordinances that primarily address bicycle helmet usage . It is recommended that the City of Arlington adopt the following standalone bicycle ordinance that addresses DRAFT City of Arlington Bicycle Ordinance
In this chapter : 1 . CHILD means a person younger than 18 years of age . 2 . ADULT means any individual eighteen ( 18 ) years of age or older . 3 . BICYCLE means a human powered vehicle with two ( 2 ) wheels in tandem designed to transport by a pedaling action a person seated on a saddle seat . 4 . BICYCLIST means a person operating a bicycle . 5 . PARENT means the natural or adoptive parent or court-appointed guardian or conservator of a child .
6 . HELMET means properly fitted headgear that is not structurally damaged and that conforms to the standards of the American National Standards Institute , the American Society for Testing and Materials , the Snell Memorial Foundation or any federal agency having regulatory jurisdiction over bicycle helmets , as applicable , at the time of the manufacture of the helmet .
APPLICABILITY . This chapter applies when a person operates a bicycle on a street , sidewalk , or bicycle path .
APPLICABILITY OF VEHICLE TRAFFIC RULES . A bicyclist shall comply with the requirements of this title imposed on a driver of a vehicle , to the extent that the requirements may be applied to operation of a bicycle .
OBEDIENCE TO TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICES . 1 . A bicyclist shall obey the instruction of official traffic signals , signs , and other traffic-control devices applicable to vehicles , unless otherwise directed by a police officer .
2 . Unless a bike lane or shared roadway is specifically designated otherwise , a bicyclist riding in a bike lane may not travel in the opposite direction of adjacent motor vehicles in the roadway .
3 . A bicyclist shall obey traffic signs that prohibit a right , left , or “ U ” turn , except when the bicyclist dismounts from the bicycle to make the turn . A bicyclist who dismounts shall obey regulations applicable to pedestrians .
1 . No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district . A bicyclist shall ride in designated on-street bicycle facilities when available unless there are no designated on-street bicycle facilities in near proximity to the rider . The Director of Public Works and Transportation is
Appendix C : Hike & Bike Policies | C-11