Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 228


Enforcement Programs and Resources
Motorist Enforcement Based on crash data analysis and observed patterns of behavior , law enforcement can use targeted enforcement to focus on key issues such as motorists speeding , passing too closely to cyclists , parking in bicycle lanes , etc . These issues should be targeted and enforced consistently . The goal is for bicyclists and motorists to recognize and respect each other ’ s rights on the roadway . See this link from an Austin bicycle advocate that includes a printable , foldable summary of bicycle and motorist rights and responsibilities : http :// bicycleaustin . info / laws / handout . html
Bicyclist and Pedestrian Enforcement Observations made by local trail and bicycle facility users can be utilized to identify any conflicts or issues that require attention ( see online public comment form results ). To maintain proper use of trail facilities , volunteers could be used to patrol the trails , particularly on the most popular trails and on days of heavy use . The volunteer patrol can report any suspicious or unlawful activity , as well as answer any questions a trail user may have . When users of the bicycle or pedestrian network witness unlawful activities , they should have a simple way of reporting the issue to police , such as a hot line .
Additionally , unsafe cycling and walking ( e . g . riding on the wrong side of the street , without lights at night , or crossing roadways not in a marked crosswalk ) should be addressed by local law enforcement through warnings , with an understanding that there may be a learning curve for new or inexperienced cyclists and pedestrians . Again , the goal is for bicyclists , pedestrians , and motorists to recognize and respect each other ’ s rights on the roadway .
Local Police Input An appointed member of the police forces should serve on the HBAC if possible to understand issues in the area and contribute to the process . Police understand firsthand the common bicycle and pedestrian problems , issues , and areas of concern .
Police on Bikes The City of Arlington currently does not have police bike patrols . Increased use of police on bikes is a significant benefit for community policing and quality of life . This idea should be coordinated with and extended to include enforcement within the college campuses . Police on bicycles should be models for other cyclists by wearing helmets and riding accordingly . Mandatory Helmet Law The City of Arlington should consider enacting a new mandatory helmet law for their residents . Currently , the City of Arlington requires children to wear helmets . The City should consider options such as mandatory helmet laws for all ages or possibly increasing to ages above 16 . The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) supports the enactment of bicycle helmet usage laws by states and municipalities . This is due to statistics that prove bicycle helmets provide protection ( Example : Helmets are 85 to 88 % effective in mitigating head and brain injuries ). A number of communities throughout the country have made helmet usage mandatory for all ages especially in the states of Missouri and Washington . For more information , visit http :// helmets . org / mandator . htm and www .
B-10 | Appendix B : Programs & Resources