Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 227

The role of the Active Living Resource Center ( ALRC ) web site is to provide resources and tools to help make walking and bicycling part of your community ’ s healthy lifestyle . This page of the website has encouraging success stories from other communities : www . activelivingresources . org / stories _ directory . php
Bikes Belong is sponsored by the U . S . bicycle industry with the goal of putting more people on bicycles more often . From helping create safe places to ride to promoting bicycling , they carefully select projects and partnerships that have the capacity to make a difference . Their work concentrates on four main areas : federal policy and funding , national partnerships , community grants , and promoting bicycling . In addition , they operate the Bikes Belong Foundation to focus on kids and bicycle safety . www . bikesbelong . org /
Appendix B : Programs & Resources | B-9