Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 229

HIKE AND BIKE SYSTEM MASTER PLAN bikeleague . org / media / facts / pdf / BicycleHelmetUseLaws . pdf
As an enforcement / education measure , the City of Arlington , through partnership with local shops and groups and the HBAC could distribute prizes to children seen wearing a helmet . Enforcement should not be heavy-handed , but rather an opportunity to educate and encourage helmet usage .
Enforcement Resources The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ) awarded a grant to MassBike to develop a national program to educate police departments about laws relating to bicyclists . The program is intended to be taught by law enforcement officers to law enforcement officers as a stand-alone resource . The link contains downloads for presentations , videos , and other resources that are useful for police officers and everyday cyclists alike : www . massbike . org / projectsnew / law-officer-training /
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center has a wealth of resources regarding enforcement issues , ranging from training for local law enforcement to procedures for handling violators , to enforcement example case studies : www . bicyclinginfo . org / enforcement /
Appendix B : Programs & Resources | B-11