Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 221

Bicycle Helmets Program The City of Arlington and the HBAC should form a charity program aimed to ensure young cyclists are educated and equipped to take part in bicycling . The main objective would be to increase helmet wearing among children .
School Crossing Guard Training Program As traffic continues to increase on streets and highways , concern has grown over the safety of our children as they walk and bike to and from school . At the same time , health agencies , alarmed at the increase in obesity and inactivity among children , are encouraging parents and communities to get their children walking and biking to school . It is important to ensure that crossing guards are trained and provided at every school in which there are pedestrians .
Environmental , Cultural and Historic Education / Interpretation Educational programs and interpretative signage could be developed along greenways .
Example educational material from the Durham Hike & Bike Map ( designed by Greenways Incorporated )
Appendix B : Programs & Resources | B-3