Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 220

pedestrian safety could also be included in new driver education classes . Example resource ( page 95 on the following link ): www . ncdot . org / dmv / driver _ services / drivershandbook / download / NCDL _ English . pdf
The StreetSmart public awareness campaign in the Washington , DC region is another example of a Public Service Agency educating residents about pedestrian and bicycle safety . www . bestreetsmart . net /
LCI Training / Bike ED The League of American Bicyclists ( LAB ) has a national bicycle education program ( Bike ED ) that includes training to become certified League Cycling Instructors ( LCI ’ s ). LCI ’ s are trained to teach local bicycle skills training courses . Already , there are 5 LCI ’ s in Dallas and 1 LCI in Fort Worth , but none in Arlington . Ideally , all HBAC members and key City staff would take LCI courses or even become LCI instructors themselves . This effort should continue with expansion to other state , federal and municipal agencies .
Bicycle Ambassador Program The newly formed HBAC should begin this program as an early initiative . The Bicycle Ambassadors Program would be the bicycle outreach and education component of the HBAC , promoting bicycle safety and awareness . Programs around the country promote safety for all road users , bicyclists , motorists , and pedestrians . Members of the HBAC may volunteer to be ambassadors , as well as recruiting community members to be ambassadors . Ambassadors host and attend programs , demonstrations , and activities at events , summer camps , and schools . One very successful model program is Mayor Daley ’ s Bicycling Ambassadors in Chicago ( www . bicyclingambassadors . org /) where the group includes adult and junior ambassadors , hosts a number of educational events , and gives presentations that promote bicycling . Local bicycle shops and groups in Arlington should be involved .
Bicycle Map Education The City of Arlington should maintain an updated bicycle and pedestrian map that includes new bicycle facilities and new greenways . This map is an opportunity for the City of Arlington to present education and safety materials including basic safety information , commuting information , trail etiquette , transit information , and a list of local resources on the back side of the map . This map should be developed as a foldable hardcopy map or on a website .
Image from www . cyclingambassadors . org /
B-2 | Appendix B : Programs & Resources