Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 219


B . Programs & Resources

Appendix Contents Overview
Education Programs and Resources
Encouragement Programs and Resources
Enforcement Programs and Resources
This appendix contains additional programs , descriptions , and resources not described in Chapter 6 . Model programs from across the United States are featured for potential replication and customizing in Arlington , Texas .
Education Programs and Resources
Public Education and Educational Devices Arlington should build on its existing programs by continuing to develop a variety of safety materials and distribute them widely throughout the community . Educational materials may include important bicycle and pedestrian laws , bulleted keys for safe bicycle and pedestrian travel , helmet requirements , safe motor vehicle operation around bicyclists and pedestrians , and general facility rules and regulations . This information is often available for download from national pedestrian advocacy organizations , such as the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center website , www . pedbikeinfo . org .
Brown-bag events and clinics are also an excellent way to provide education , especially for adults . Local events should be utilized to distribute information using a booth to display related print media . A representative from the newly formed HBAC could volunteer at the booth to answer questions and promote bicycling and walking in Arlington .
Motorist Education Equally important as bicyclist education is motorist education . Many motorists do not recognize that a bicycle is considered a vehicle by Texas state law . Several examples of safety materials are available . The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center website outlines tools and skills related to motorist education and provides other useful links : www . bicyclinginfo . org / education / motorists . cfm
A Driver ’ s Handbook is a useful educational tool , with an entire section devoted to bicycles , bicyclists ’ rights and responsibilities and how motorists should behave . Programs to promote bicycle and
Appendix B : Programs & Resources | B-1