Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 218

Responses to question # 20 ( Do you have any further comments or ideas ?)
I see the web site has not been updated since January ?! Get some bike lanes built . Not Share-ROW , not “ just use the sidewalk ” Lower parking requirements , particularly as an incentive for better streetscaping and limited front-of-business parking Sidewalks on Pioneer , PLEASE !!!!!
I ride Cravens Park to Linear park in Grand Prairie . There are more people there maybe because equipment and park benches they have . Please ride it and see what I am talking about .
Go capture the ideas Graham Schadt had ~ 20 + years ago . Make cycling safe . 689 cyclists die per year . I hate riding on sidewalks so I can live .
There is a big recreational walking / biking community in my area - the improvements in the S . Kelly Elliott / Park Springs / Green Oaks / Sublett area ( near / around Boles Junior High ) are noticed and envied by my area ! :) I always see so many people taking advantage of cycling in their area , just on the other side of 287 . Would love to have something similar / very cycling-friendly .
Long overdue We need bicycle sharing system like Denver CO Would like to see River Legacy trails meet up with Ft . Worth Trinity trail Less concrete and more trails
Sidewalks need to be extended even more that are near schools . It ’ s so unsafe for the sidewalk to end and the child has to keep walking or biking . If we made it more convenient to get out and walk or bike more people would do it .
I am a runner and would like to see safer areas where I can run . The trail at Cravens Park is pretty yucky but could be really beautiful . As it is , I ’ m a little afraid to run there without a friend with me .
Please connect to the Fort Worth and Dallas hike / bike systems !
Sidewalks are not maintained . Too much glass and debris after drunken revelers leave sporting events that never gets cleaned up . It discourages walkers and riders . These same crowds on arriving at the stadium are only looking to park their cars . They are often frustrated and aggressive toward pedestrians / cyclists .
Community education on bicycle safety and road rules ; community initiative against litter in existing park paths - the current amount of litter is awful ; need lights along major paths for safe night use .
Please follow through with this . It ’ s a wonderful project Take action to get more for DART connections ( trail , trans , etc ) Commit to a plan and then stick to it . Get funding dedicated . Stop doing as bits and pieces and get going on the major connectors . 3 foot to pass 3 foot to pass 3 foot to pass 3 foot to pass 3 foot to pass
A-18 | Appendix A : Public Input