Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 217

Responses to question # 20 ( Do you have any further comments or ideas ?)
You need to target women as cyclists and pedestrians . We need to make women feel as safe as possible , because they are the ones that will get the whole family walking and / or biking .
I know a TON of folks interested in this - wheelbrothers . com - we ’ ll try to get the word out The hike & bike will also help with our children being able to ride to school . As of now , she can ’ t because there are no sidewalks & people drive crazy . Excited about a pedestrian and bicycle plan !
Potholes are my biggest complaint . Next to that is the tree branches that cover walkways that may cause you to fall into oncoming traffic when your biking .
You have a great trail through River Legacy , but it needs to be extended to a train station to link to the Trinity Railway . This would open up a whole new level of transportation . Other thoughts : It is very important to create safe routes to schools . How many kids ride bikes to school today ? Traffic is too heavy around schools to let a kid ride to school . Police need to be responsive when aggressive drivers threaten cyclists . I have been threatened and physically assaulted by our own police for riding a bike on a residential road . Your plan starts with putting police on bikes and having them ride to understand their own driving behavior . Next thought : Bike lanes that are less than a mile are insulting . These are not lanes and will not be used by cyclists . The bike lane on Center St . before Park Row is a waste of resources .
Spend the money for this project in areas with low crime ; not south Arlington . S . Arlington has trails that I see that are not used . Thanks ! We ’ ve been needing this for years !
Please add safe biking paths to the Stadium and Rangers Ballpark . As a publicly owned stadium we should encourage our residents to reduce road congestion and ride the short distance to the stadium .
Thank you for looking into this In your presentation , list other greenway projects . Show your project is not just a fad or is being done only in your area .
Other than River legacy and village creek trail Arlington doesn ’ t have much - hard to list the most needed corridors when we need so much . Bring back the Johnson Creek bond package , I think it would pass on it ’ s own . Start with the possible green belts then look at bike lanes on existing streets .
Good Luck !! I would love to see improvements on the roadways for bikers ! See Bogota , Columbia-- thats “ success ” Thank you ! Finish existing plans
Like the “ Don ’ t mess with Texas ” slogan for the clean up initiative- the hiking and biking system needs something to change citizens idea of walking and biking . I ’ ve been fortunate to have lived in Europe and other U . S . cities ( okay just one- Albequerque , NM ) where it was more accepted to travel using alternative transportation ( city transportation , buses , trains ) bike paths and sidewalks .
Please vote YES for the hike and bike system Thank you for making Arlington better for cycling Extend Eastchase trail to Fort Worth Trinity Trails We need better education of public for cyclists LOOP ARLINGTON TRAIL ? I cross Arlington a lot by bike from both Irving / Ft . Worth and Grand Prarie Arlington needs public transportation , how can we be a city this large with no buses , or bike lanes ? Thought about using power line right of way ? You ’ re obviously going to pave something . Lots of connectivity there . Please help DORBA members by keeping us updated via the e-mail link above ADD A BIKE LANE ON MAJOR ROADS , HAVE A BETTER NETWORK OF TRAILS Need more bike \ walk friendly city to keep people here Education Would like to have trails in central Arlington , to supplement River Legacy Please provide bicycle lanes and better walk way . Thanks I refuse to ride my bike because it ’ s dangerous . I run , and going north up Green Oaks / Dottie Lynn is beyond dangerous . Far too late .... but , finally city officials are starting to open their eyes .!!! Ordinances for aggressive motorists and public education about pedestrian right of way and cycling coexistence
I would like to see more runner-friendly areas . I often go to White Rock Lake or Trinity Trail . Arlington parks are mostly concrete surface - not good for runners . Arlington roads are often dangerous and lighting is poor .
I would like to see some crushed cinder or similar unpaved paths for jogging since that is better than running on concrete or asphalt .
Yes - I run regularly and the street lights are often off on Davis . In addition , Fielder has horrible tree overgrowth . I spend a lot of time outside running and recently had a baby . I have to push him in the stroller in the street because the sidewalks are so bad ( bumpy and there are no ramps ). I often wonder how people in wheelchairs get around - they probably use the street too . I am thrilled to hear that Arlington is considering a hike and bike system . It would be wonderful to be able to bike to River Legacy or to run safely to River Legacy . The public health benefits of improving safe access to means of integrating exercise into daily activities is very important . Thank you .
As a runner my big problem is that the sidewalks that we do have are uneven and are a fall risk and many are old , so one must get over the curb it is not smooth from street to curb or curb to street . The new ones address this problem but because where I live it is not a smooth transition and they are uneven , I prefer to run in the street it is easier on my body to run in the street , yes , I have had cars swerve at me , but I getting good at dodging them . :)
Triple the time on yellow lights with cameras
Appendix A : Public Input | A-17