Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 216

Responses to question # 20 ( Do you have any further comments or ideas ?)
City should provide maps for biking trails . Would like to see a connection between River Legacy Park and Gateway Park Connect to Fort Worth trails . Park & bike to Cowboy & Ranger games ? Need more trails around Arlington .
To me , a quality of life issue . Arlington needs great improvement - ugly , decentralized , unfriendly , uninviting . Wouldn ’ t choose Arlington if choosing today .
Absolutely . No private property should be seized through eminent domain or buyouts in order to create biketrails for the few . This would include the construction or moving of sidewalks to facilitate the creation of a biketrail . At the minimum , 5 to 6 feet should exist between any such construction and the homeowner ’ s property line . During a recession / depression - is this the proper time to spend taxpayers ’ money in this fashion ? Shouldn ’ t public safety ( police & fire ) be their first priority .
Like to see a bike lane to the South Arlington Park & Ride Lot both ways . Like to see Trinity Trail connect to Legacy Park . Like to be able to get to Joe Pool Lake safely on a bike . 3-foot passing City ordinance .
My daughter and her friend were walking in our neighborhood on the correct side of the road along the curb and struck by a card . They were hurt , but survived . That was 9 / 16 / 08 . Her friend was hit again 8 / 6 / 09 , but didn ’ t survive . Again , he was walking where he should have been -- protect pedestrians .
The Fouth Fielder / Gunn Jr . High area is lacking in both pedestrian & cycle facilities .
Please think about using the area next to Rail Road Track for a linear path from Green Oaks to downtown Arlington . What about the stadium ? I can not believe we do not have bike racks at the stadium .
I live in Eagle Chase subdivision near Martin H . S . We are VERY concerned about the dangerous situation at the “ Old Pleasant Ridge Road ” curve where kids walk to school and there is no sidewalk on the “ curve ” ( between Pleasantview Road and the new Pleasant Ridge Road ). We petitioned for a sidewalk during the recent road construction , but we were turned down . I almost hit a girl the other morning who was walking to school in the early morning hours and was walking on the street due to the rain . I would like to see a safe path there . I do not want to see another child killed by a car !
Suggest bike / jogging trail from Kelley Park , south along creek ( Kee Branch ) to Pleasant Ridge Road . This could be a future link between Lake Arlington & Legacy Park .
My husband and I have been waiting more than 30 years for Arlington to become more pedestrian and biker friendly .
Arlington needs to add one second to yellow lights at major intersections . When riding , I ’ m often in the middle of an intersection when the light turns green for crossing traffic .
Reduce traffic speed on streets like Davis ( i . e ., not streets like Cooper .) Arlington is one of the worst cities I have lived / visited in the area of pedestrian conditions . Sidewalks begin / end at random . Lack of sidewalks in many areas . Tight roads , high speed , narrow sidewalks , poles / trees in middle of sidewalks . I wouldn ’ t walk more , but I would have safer / better access to other areas . Also , I would walk further . I would ride bike to the TRE if a safe route existed , or ride a bus to the TRE .
If there was a bicycle lane on any major street to get go River Legacy Park that would be great and I might ride my bike to work .
We really need a skate park it would decrease crime and give kids a place to skate safely with out the danger of getting hit by a car . Also take skaters out of public areas were they are not wanted .
First , it ’ s good to know you ’ re giving this some thought . Second , I like some of the things already in place - such as River Legacy / Findlay / Village Creek and Cravens (?) to Grand Praire . Parts of Arlington will be challenging to make attractive to walkers & bikers , but there is much that can be done . Continue to create the right environments where we can ( especially to recreation centers , libraries , etc .), and then look for ways to connect them . Organize activities ( tours , rides ) that use existing trails as a way to increase awareness . How do I get involved ?
Please complete the sidewalk on Calender !
Need a bike area like River Leg on our end of town - it ’ s fabulous !!!! but too far away ! My daughter wants to ride her bike , but the streets aren ’ t a safe place to ride .
Not at this time ... I am excited to see how we can improve bike / walkability throughout the Arlington area
One major bicycle lane that runs North-South and one that runs East-West would be an extremely beneficial start towards making Arlington more biker friendly .
Please , please let this greenway become reality ! Insurance for bike riders on roads Veterans Park is a 103 acres and has only 1 water fountain in the north end of the park ! Lets get families together to exercise and to get moving I live very close to River Legacy Park , but the thought of riding my bike to the park is very scary because of motorists have no consideration for bikers . Bike lanes and public bike racks would be amazing for central and downtown Arlington ! Bike festival involving trip around Arlington on green oaks starting and ending at major tourist attractions ( like hhh ) Not having safe Bike and Hike pathways have made our family consider moving to another city that is more bike and hike friendly
Love the proposed sidewalk adds - especially on my street ( Margaret Dr .). Wonder why no one from Arlington ISD transportation is on the planning committee when increasing walkers to school and reducing bus trips are sited as goals . Wonder about lack of trails to and around Lake Arlington .
I really like how Boulder CO has their bike paths going under the highways and not have to deal with the heavy traffic .
I like the design of Boulder , CO ’ s bike trails , especially the creek path that winds through the middle of the city and how the bike trails go underneath existing roads .
A-16 | Appendix A : Public Input