Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 215

Skateboarding is a mode of transport Integrate small skate parks along new Blue Path Roller blade paths with access to shops / stops so not to lose out on roller blading completely Hook up Rover legacy and Trinity Trails Connect River Legacy to Trinity Trail + TRE at Bell More trails , more lanes . Connect trails to paths . Mel LeBlanc , he ’ s not in tune . Snide comments accomplish nothing . Commercial encouragements for non car facilities i . e . bicycle security walkers rests , bathroom facilities . Bike lanes on Arkansas We need public transport Bike lanes Bike lanes Have more public meetings . City Council support + public transportation Mandate 3 ft . passing law . Note I ’ m here represnting Bike DFW ( bikedfw . org ) Let us know how we can help . Speak to DORBA and FWBA for more MTB trails Add bike lanes Start with UTA and expand We need bike lanes , everywhere and police to enforce them .
It would be great to have bikeways that connect all parts of the city . Even better would be bikeways that are not part of the roadway system . Drivers show little or no respect for cyclists , and simply providing a bike lane on a busy road will not make things safe for cyclists .
It would encourage walking and biking if one could walk to the Highlands or to the Mall or to Walmart for that manner , but now it is just not safe . Yes bike trail next to my house , I live in the Bent Oak Estates . Need to connect trails to Skate Board Park . Keep funds in skateboard park Inform public about bicyclists rights . Increase penalties for unsafe activity around bicyclists I ’ d like to bike to Stadium but I ’ m realistic . Trails and sidewalks are a great investment in the community !! Upgrades and improves the area ! Concentrate improvement on city center / UTA areas first to encourage density / discourage further sprawl Sidewalks , sidewalks , sidewalks ! You have challenge ahead . Engineering community against bike lanes and bicycle traffic in general . Trails need to be beautiful , safe and practical . Building them will increase property values Skaters need parks and sidewalks to get them there . Need to build skate park on intersect bike / hike . Drivers to slow down when approaching humans . Spend money on paths at UTA , Parks Mall , Downtown etc . Then work on connectors Look at Boulder CO as example to develop trails and bike lanes . Need to connect River legacy to South Arlington . More money on bike lanes and signals less on road construction New law stating cars equal to bikes so need at least one car length to overtake . Encourage events in central yo bring bikers from all locations of the city Drainage is poor on existing trails Add signage saying bikes in area . Need north-south bike route I plan on moving within a year , this is a big factor as to where I decide to move to . Remember people in wheelchairs ; there was a population explosion after WWII Would love to connect to Dallas / FW and have north / south / connection Make addition of bike lanes a standard procedure when new roads are built or old roads are rebuilt Please hurry up & have a bike friendly Arlington . Get together with UT-Arlington too ! A segmented system is not a solution . Hike & bike along Union Pacific RR . We need Arlington to be bike friendly ! Do it ! Trinity Trail connect to Legacy Park . Like to be able to ride around Joe Pool Lake safely . 3-foot to pass . Do it now , not later , please .
Appendix A : Public Input | A-15