Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 214

Responses to question # 20 ( Do you have any further comments or ideas ?)
My daughter was hit by a car because of no sidewalks and a very good friend was hit and killed by a motorist and both times the teenager was walking in the only place they could and driver was at fault both times .
You are trying to promote urban living and this is a must for urban living and the Cowboys Stadium After living in College Station , TX , a very bike friendly town , I believe the citizens of Arlington would greatly benefit from having bike lanes available .
Please have street cleaners keep the existing bike path on Calendar Road clear of sand , glass and other debris . I am a recreational biker in the sense that this is my preferred means of exercise . I ride a 12 mile circuit at least 3 times a week and once a month do a Saturday “ bike hike ” of 25-30 miles . The circuit includes the full extent of the bike path on Calendar Road . My morning ride starts at 6:00 AM and I typically see another 4-5 bikers out riding along the way . Many more bikers are out on Saturdays . My personal goal would be to increase “ off road ” concrete paths through every existing park , and to connect these greenways to “ on road ” bike paths like the proposed circuit . There is no way to ride distances of 15-20 miles in South Arlington without riding on streets with heavy auto traffic . Contrast this to my former home in Fort Worth where I could connect on back streets and bike paths to the Trinity Trail and parks that took me almost out to Benbrook Lake with another 24 miles of roadway ideal for biking away from traffic . It was possible to do different routes of 35-40 miles from my own driveway ! Calendar Road bike path does not connect to the new bike path circuit . Could there not be a link on Sublett or perhaps one of the streets just north of it ? Projections do not seem to contemplate connecting to the Mansfield Linear Park from Alice Ponder School to the park off Hwy 287 and Broad . Could the Calendar Road bike path be extended south ? Additional Note : There is no safe way to commute to my work on a bicycle , or I would consider it for 2 days a week . There is no viable mass transit system , such as train / bus , which have a dependable schedule . If it were to be safe , clean , with convenient arrival / departures I would use it .
Bike lanes , bike lanes , bike lanes . We love River Legacy . I would like to see more trails , bike lanes that connect to this system . We would certainly use them .
Need well marked feeder paths to UTA to encourage walking . Need to connect all the bike paths around Arlington , e . g ., Village Creek southward . Need a Friends of the Park Foundation like River Legacy so people can support their parks by helping out . There is no way now to support a park . It is difficult to volunteer . I tried and the person I was to help never showed up and no one ever followed up . Need to spend some of the money given in exchange for land given to the Cowboys on parks and paths . There were promises , but have not seen any results .
Hurry ! I would like to support improving this initiative any way possible . Please contact me and keep us in the loop !
I applaud the City ’ s efforts and maybe something good will come of it . But like I said , a street striping program won ’ t cut it . But I admit I don ’ t know what to do either other than that . If you can figure out some way to get the bicycles off the street and onto the dirt that would be the best .
Very hard to decide on some items . Professionals will help a lot . Our city has a long way to go . I haven ’ t heard back from the Parks Dept . about the need to have a jogging shoulder along the River Legacy paved trails made from shredded tires Use existing power line rights of way to connect bikes to streets Some roads are too narrow to have bike lanes & too much traffic , like Bowen Rd . Need to post the biking trails in the phone book . Bikes are necessary since there is no public transportation . This makes them a higher priority in Arlington than other cities . The City needs more off road biking trails . The small amount at River Legacy is inadequate .
Biking is very important to me . I am disabled and would love to be able to use my bicycle more to go on errands and just get out in general . My wheelchair will not take me anyplace in Arlington because of the terrible conditions of the sidewalks , roads , crossroads and curb cuts . I would like to see the City encourage businesses to have bicycle racks .
It is imperative to our City ’ s physical health that we encourage biking / walking to destinations by improving the conditions . It would be really nice to have decent paths to the rec centers and parks if nothing else can be done .
City ordinance requiring motorists to allow 3 feet when passing a bike . Driving schools should be required to tach proper driving skills regarding bicycles on the road .
Is there a citizens advisory committee to be formed ? Move off road recreational trails and dirt trails connecting parks and points of interest . Biking into downtown Will be glad to talk to our neighborhood and church
I work in Arlington and would love to commute safely on bike . Restrict texting while driving and pass safe passing law - 3 ft . Add bike passing courtesy instruction to defensive driving classes .
Yeah bike lanes UTA
Thank you . May you open minds best luck . A Texas not Arlington issue . Youngster growing up in Arlington biked all over . I hope Arlington ’ s future youngsters get that opportunity .
Big emphasis on trails and greenways as off road trails for transportation and recreation . More off road trails that connect to different destinations and recreational Parks . My kids would benefit from trails and greenways
Make paths skateboard and roller blade friendly by minimizing size of expansion joints . Similar to trinity Trail path mile marker 2 to 7 . When pouring concrete consider ‘ skateable ’ options .
Repeal helmet ordinance Get it done Prefer money spent on the planned off-road trails before on-street improvements
Prioritize sidewalks on major streets the take on secondary projects such as this . It is a clear indication the City needs sidewalks when people on motorized wheelchairs are ducking in and out of vehicular traffic due to absence of sidewalks in various areas .
A-14 | Appendix A : Public Input