Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 222

Greenways provide opportunities for learning outside the classroom . Specific programs that focus on water quality and animal habitat are popular examples . Simple educational signage would offer interactive learning opportunities for people who use the trails . Brochures can be used to supplement signage with more detailed information and a map of the interpretive system .
Teaching The City of Arlington and HBAC could lead a number of teaching efforts for people of all ages . This may include bicycle commuter and parent courses , walkability workshops in multiple communities , bike education curriculum road courses , and bicycle rodeos . Bicycling rodeos , training sessions , summer camps , and other educational activities should be continued and promoted so that safety skills can be taught on an ongoing basis . The HBAC should ensure all of these efforts are extended throughout Arlington .
Education Resources The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center website provides important messages for a range of different audiences that can be part of an educational campaign or program . It also offers links for finding more information related to bicycling education : www . bicyclinginfo . org / education /
The League of American Bicyclists has been working for better cycling in America since 1880 . They do this by promoting bicycling , educating cyclists and motorists , and advocating on behalf of cyclists on Capitol Hill and with state legislators across the United States . This web page has information on some of their programs : www . bikeleague . org / programs / index . php
The mission of the National Center for Bicycling and Walking ( NCBW ) is to help create bicycle-friendly and walkable communities across North America by encouraging and supporting the efforts of individuals , organizations , and agencies . The website provides information on the workshops they offer for the general public as well as for training professionals : www . bikewalk . org / workshops . php
Safe Communities is a project of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA ). Nine agencies within the U . S . Department of Transportation are working together to promote and implement a safer national transportation system by combining the best injury prevention practices into the Safe Communities approach to serve as a model throughout the nation . www . nhtsa . gov / Driving + Safety / Safe + Communities / Welcome + to + Safe + Communities
Safe Kids Worldwide is a global network of organizations whose mission is to prevent accidental childhood injury , a leading killer of children 14 and under . More than 450 coalitions in 15 countries bring together health and safety experts , educators , corporations , foundations , governments and volunteers to educate and protect families . Visit their website to receive information about programs , media events , device distribution and hands-on educational activities for kids and their families . www . usa . safekids . org /
B-4 | Appendix B : Programs & Resources