Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 206

6 . Would you walk more often if more sidewalks , trails , and safe roadway crossings were provided for pedestrians ?
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes 88.3 % 393
No 11.7 % 52
answered question 445
skipped question 13
7 . Would you bike more often if more bicycle lanes , trails , and safe roadway crossings were provided for bicyclists ?
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes 93.9 % 417
No 6.1 % 27
answered question 444
skipped question 14
8 . Should public funds be used to improve hike and bike options and facilities ?
Response Percent
Response Count
Yes 96.6 % 429
No 3.4 % 15
answered question 444
skipped question 14
A-6 | Appendix A : Public Input