Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 205

3 . How important to you is improving walking and biking conditions in the Arlington area ? ( select one )
Response Percent
Response Count
Very important 90.5 % 412
Somewhat important 9.0 % 41
Not important 0.4 % 2
answered question 455
skipped question 3
4 . How often do you walk now ? ( select one )
Response Percent
Response Count
never 8.0 % 36
few times per month 34.6 % 155
few times per week 35.3 % 158
5 + times per week 22.1 % 99
answered question 448
skipped question 10
5 . How often do you bike now ? ( select one )
Response Percent
Response Count
never 20.0 % 90
few times per month 28.9 % 130
few times per week 28.0 % 126
5 + times per week 23.1 % 104
answered question 450
skipped question 8
Appendix A : Public Input | A-5