Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 204


written responses during each meeting .
Comment Form
A comment form was developed for Arlington during this process and made available in both hardcopy and online format . The comment form was available online for nearly six months . To maximize the responses to the online form , the web address was distributed at the public meetings , to local interest groups , in newsletters , and on flyers throughout the City . Approximately 458 persons completed the comment form .
The comment form results shown on the following pages have been tabulated by Greenways Incorporated to provide insight into local residents ’ opinions and values .
1 . How do you rate present pedestrian conditions in the Arlington area ? ( select one )
Response Percent
Response Count
Excellent 3.3 % 15
Fair 43.6 % 197
Poor 53.1 % 240
answered question 452
skipped question 6
2 . How do you rate present bicycling conditions in the Arlington area ? ( select one )
Response Percent
Response Count
Excellent 2.0 % 9
Fair 29.1 % 132
Poor 68.9 % 312
answered question 453
skipped question 5
A-4 | Appendix A : Public Input