Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 203

The second public workshop was held in April 2010 and presented draft recommendations and solicited public comment again at Arlington City Hall . Preliminary recommendations were presented in map form at this meeting . Citizens responded to these draft recommendations by providing feedback and discussing the proposed hike and bike facilities . Approximately 110 citizens attended this meeting .
April 2010 City Council
Bike Ride
In addition , a staff bike ride was held in April 2010 . City Council members , City staff , City Police , Steering Committee members , project consultants , and Bicycles Inc . took part in a morning ride around the Downtown area . Approximately 30 riders took part in the event raising awareness . Biking techniques were taught as well .
Finally , the third public workshop was held at the Bob Duncan Center in September 2010 , with over 100 citizens in attendance . Final Draft Plan recommendations were presented along with information regarding the next steps of implementation .
At all workshop sessions , public input was taken in the form of map markups , written comments , question and answer sessions , and through discussions between citizens , consultant staff from Greenways Incorporated and City staff . In addition , a hardcopy public comment form was developed and distributed for hand
Appendix A : Public Input | A-3