Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 207

9 . What types of funds should be used ? ( Choose all that apply )
Response Percent
Response Count
Local foundation or nonprofit 69.2 % 306
Capital improvements bond or other financing strategy
70.4 % 311
Existing local taxes 68.6 % 303
New local taxes 33.3 % 147
State and federal grants 84.6 % 374
Other ( please specify ) 10.6 % 47
answered question 442
skipped question 16
10 . For what purposes do you walk or bike most now and / or would you want to walk for in the future ? Select all that apply .
Response Percent
Response Count
Fitness or recreation 95.0 % 422
Transportation to some destination 59.9 % 266
Social visits 36.0 % 160
Walking the dog 35.6 % 158
Walking the baby / pushing a stroller
14.2 % 63
answered question 444
skipped question 14
Appendix A : Public Input | A-7