Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 197


Identify Maintenance Program
A “ maintenance program ” is written to show the work that is required to bring the bike or trail to a standard level and will include the associated cost . The maintenance needs identified in the prescription should be prioritized and used in the development of the annual maintenance plan .
Developing Maintenance Plans
The following describes an optional method for preparation of a maintenance plan .
a . The person responsible for maintenance determines the following for each facility :
( 1 ) A maintenance level , ( 2 ) A base maintenance year , and ( 3 ) A maintenance frequency based on the expected trail use .
After all information is collected , combine the individual plans to see if the annual maintenance plans for maintenance period relates to the expected annual funding , and to assure that the movement of personnel and equipment from one facility to another is reasonable . Adjust the plan as necessary ; the resulting report will be the proposed maintenance plan .
b . An annual maintenance plan may be developed from the long range maintenance plan by generating a list of the bikeways and walkways to be maintained in any given year .
c . Prepare a maintenance work plan for the approaching season . Various formats for the maintenance plan may be developed . At a minimum , the plan must identify cost estimates , funding sources , and the party responsible for performing the work on the trails .
d . Use the annual maintenance plan to estimate costs for the required work and determine the funding needs for the next budget period .
Deferred Maintenance Plan
Develop a plan for the accomplishment of deferred maintenance . The plan should indicate the items of deferred maintenance , the estimated cost of the work , and the anticipated year of accomplishment . The plan should be balanced , so as to accomplish a percentage of the deferred maintenance annually .
Document the work that will be performed within the season . Documentation of work schedules is important ( 1 ) to ensure that high priority work is accomplished first , ( 2 ) to determine if all required work is being accomplished on time and ( 3 ) to provide a documented history of maintenance scheduling for future maintenance managers .
A . Maintenance to be performed on a regular basis :
1 . Bikeway and walkway inspection
Inspections are integral to all bikeway and walkway maintenance operations . Inspections should occur on a regularly scheduled basis , the frequency of which will depend on the amount of use , location , age , and the type of construction . All inspections are to be documented .
2 . Leaf and Debris removal
Keeping the bikeway and walkway surfaces clean is one of the most important aspects of facility maintenance . Mud and other sediment shall be removed along with fallen leaves and branches to ensure the safety of the users and increase the life expectancy of the facilities . Areas that require sweeping of the whole system shall be swept by machine . Bikeways or walkways that require only spot sweeping of bad areas will be cleaned with blowers . Some locations will require a combination of methods . Broken glass and small stones are not only unsafe for bicyclists or pedestrians , but the debris can also cause damage to tires and serious injury . Regular maintenance of bikeways and walkways shall be required on a set schedule to improve the safety of its users .
3 . Trash removal
Trash removal from trail corridors is important from both a safety and an aesthetic viewpoint . Trash removal includes removing ground debris and emptying trash containers . Trash removal
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-91