Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 198


will take place on a regularly scheduled basis , the frequency of which will depend on trail use and location .
4 . Tree and brushing pruning
Tree and brush pruning will be performed for the safety of bikeway and walkway users . Pruning will be performed to established specifications on a scheduled and as needed basis .
• Maintain minimum vertical clearance along bikeways and sidewalks . Low vegetation can encroach on the bicyclist and pedestrian zones , and can be a nuisance and safety concern .
• Vegetation can obscure visibility of motorists at intersections .
• Vegetation can prevent road signage from being visible and reduces illumination of an area , especially at night .
• Tree roots can make uneven pavement surface . Prune and control tree roots to prevent uneven surfaces .
• Trim vegetation to prevent encroachment and to maintain a clear zone at intersections .
1 . Roadway Repairs and Maintenance Roadway surfaces may be adequate for automobiles , but may often not be safe for bicycles and pedestrians . Poor pavement drainage , pavement failures , and debris are some examples of road hazards for bicyclists and pedestrians . Roadway pavement surfaces should be repaired , to maintain pedestrian and bicyclist safety . Pave street over the entire roadway surface to avoid any abrupt road edge ( Figure 7.10.1 ).
2 . Bikeway and Walkway Repair
Repair of asphalt or concrete on bikeways and walkways shall be closely tied to the inspection schedule . Prioritization of repairs is part of the process . The time between observation and repair of a trail will depend on whether the needed repair is deemed a hazard and to what degree the needed repair will affect the safety of the user . It also depends on whether the needed repair can be performed by the trails maintenance crew or if it is so extensive that it needs to be repaired by outside entities .
5 . Mowing of vegetation
Bikeway and walkway maintenance personnel should mow vegetation along trail corridors on a determined schedule . Brush and grasses should not be allowed to grow to excessive heights along the edges of bikeways and walkways .
6 . Scheduling maintenance tasks
Inspections and repair of bikeway and walkway related maintenance concerns will be regularly scheduled . Inspection and repair priorities should be dictated by use , location , and design . Scheduling maintenance tasks key towards the goal of consistently clean and safe trails .
B . Maintenance to be performed on an irregular or as needed basis :
Figure 7.10.1 . Example of on-road repaving at bike lane or shoulder .
3 . Bikeway and Walkway Replacement The decision to replace a bikeway or walkway and the type of replacement depends on many factors , such as the age of the facility and the money available for replacement . Replacement involves either completely overlaying an asphalt trail with a new asphalt surface , or replacement of an asphalt trail with a concrete trail . In general , replacing asphalt with concrete is desirable .
7-92 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines