Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 196


The issues of proper maintenance and security should be addresses during the planning and design phases of the project as well as at the completion of the construction . Bikeways and walkways should be constructed only if adequate budgets for maintenance and security can be provided . Maintenance is essential to the safety of the trail user as well as extending the useful life of the project . Items for consideration include scheduling and documentation of inspections with regard to the condition of railings , bridges , trail surfaces , proper and adequate signage , removal of debris , and coordination with all agencies that maybe associated with trail maintenance . Maintenance is dependent upon a variety of development and use factors and therefore , each type of bikeway and walkway should have a maintenance program established for that specific type of improvement .
A maintenance program should plan , prioritize , schedule , and track maintenance work by :
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Identifying specific maintenance goals and standards which will provide a consistent level of service . Developing the necessary maintenance programs specific to the facility types . Executing the maintenance programs by using the most efficient resources . Conducting an ongoing evaluation the effectiveness of the maintenance program . Developing cost data from which future budgets can be built .
Identify Project Areas
The first step in implementing a maintenance system plan is to determine the bikeway and walkway routes . An inventory of the physical features on or adjacent to the bikeways and walkways and the total mileage of each type of improvement should be prepared . The inventory should be updated when features are added , modified , replaced , or removed . An inventory is critical in preparing the maintenance budget and in determining the total dollar amount needed to fully maintain the bikeway and walkway system . By comparing the needed funds to available funds , a long range maintenance plan can be developed . If kept current , maintenance logs may be used to prepare documentation for contract packages , and will show the location of structures and other features which require maintenance .
Identify Maintenance Priorities
The assigning of maintenance level priorities to the hike and bike system is based on criteria such as amount of use , potential to affect resources , safety considerations , etc . Once maintenance priorities are established , they should be reviewed and updated annually . When assigning maintenance levels , give higher priority to bicycle and trail facilities where use is significant . Traffic counters to collect and record traffic volume data can be used to determine facilities that receive the most use . This data collection should proceed on a continuing basis to provide necessary information for planning , developing , monitoring , and confirming maintenance levels .
Identify Maintenance Activities
Determine what maintenance activities will be tracked and the necessary steps that are required . Activities may be tracked by a broad category such as by maintenance , which would lump all the specific work activities and specific costs for these activities ( such as cleaning , rebuilding or replacing , etc .) under one broad activity . Specific activities may be tracked to aid in the preparation of contract estimates or to compare in-house costs to contract costs for certain activities . Condition surveys can also be performed in locations where higher maintenance needs are anticipated , such as areas that have significant traffic , steep grades , bad soils , drainage problems , etc . Special emphasis should be given to these types of locations .
Identify Maintenance Standards
Maintenance standards should be established to document work requirements to meet the acceptable physical standard , or the acceptable end product for a maintenance level , or for a particular activity . The maintenance standard is met when all the work activities listed on the standard are completed .
7-90 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines