Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 195


Design Criteria :
• Reduce speed limits .
• Provide signing and markings in accordance with City of Arlington , AASHTO , and MUTCD standards .
• Refer to the City of Arlington ’ s Thoroughfare Development Plan for minimum lane widths .
• Confirm drainage pattern and adjusts structures as needed .
K . Restricted Turn Only
Restricted turn only or half closures are barriers that block travel in one direction for a short distance on an otherwise two-way street . It may also limit two-way traffic to one directional traffic flow . Restrictive turn only improvements avoid extreme traffic volume problems and limited conflicts between motorist , pedestrian , and bicyclist , while maintaining local neighborhood access . A half closure integrates elements of a forced turn island by directing all vehicles to turn left or right and changes a street into a one way street with on-street parking ( Figure 7.9.31 ).
Design Criteria :
• Reduce speed at intersections and along corridors .
• Provide proper signing and markings in accordance to the City of Arlington , AASHTO , and MUTCD design standards .
• Refer to the City of Arlington Thoroughfare Development Plan for minimum lane requirements .
• Provide traffic plan to determine if restricted movement may have effect in other nearby streets .
Figure 7.9.31 . Site plan of restricted right turn only traffic calming device .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-89