Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 121


7.4.2 Transit Stop Treatment
Transit stops serve as the interface between points of the sidewalk / trail system , street networks , and transit routes . Treatment at transit stops is important to ensure pedestrian safety and to encourage continued use of the transit facility . An improved pedestrian system connecting to transit stops will make using the transit system safer and more enjoyable . The treatment should include comfortable site furnishings , including shelters , benches , waste receptacles , bike racks , lighting , landscaping , adequate buffering from the road , and wider pavement surfaces .
Figure 7.42.1 . Transit stop transit shelter near curb extension at intersection . Passengers can board or dismount the transit directly onto sidewalk without stepping into the street .
Transit facilities function best when they are designed to meet the demands of the peak user levels . In high use areas , transit stops require significantly wider sidewalk areas to accommodate users , transit shelters , clear zone areas , bike racks and storage , and waiting areas ( Figure 7.42.1 ).
Appropriately located turnouts will enhance user safety while minimizing delay to traffic . For a transit pullout along a street , exiting and boarding passengers should not conflict with the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists moving through the area ( Figure 7.42.2 ).
Figure 7.42.2 . Transit stop transit lane pullout treatment at intersection does not interrupt the bike lane or travel lanes while transit vehicle is loading / unloading .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-15