Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 120


• Pedestrian signal push buttons should clearly indicate which crossing direction they control ( Figure 7.41.10 ).
• Pedestrian signal push buttons should be reachable from a flat surface , at a maximum height of 3.5 feet .
• Walk intervals shall be provided during every traffic light cycle , especially in high pedestrian traffic areas .
• Where high-volume motorist turning movements conflict with pedestrians , an exclusive pedestrian interval is a preferred solution .
• A potential alternative to the exclusive pedestrian crossing is the leading pedestrian interval , which works in conjunction with the concurrent signal timing system and provides an advance signal notice to pedestrians .
• In addition to appropriate symbols , pedestrian signalization can be accompanied by an audible pulse or other messages to make crossings safe for all pedestrians .
G . Underpass / Overpass
Pedestrian underpasses and overpasses provide the opportunity to design and construct a continuous hike and bike network .
Underpasses provide the opportunity to pass beneath existing bridges and though culverts to avoid slopes , railroad , and / or roadway conflicts ( Figure 7.41.11 ).
Overpasses provide the opportunity for safe passage over streams , rivers , wetlands , slopes , railroads , and / or roadways . They can also provide a unique vantage point from which to view the surrounding environment . Both structures can be costly to design and implement
Refer to Section 7.53 , Bicycle Intersection Crossing Facilities for Design Criteria and Other Design Considerations for the design of Pedestrian Underpasses / Overpasses .
Figure 7.41.10 Push-button activator for intersection crossing .
Figure 7.41.11 . Example of multi-use underpass .
H . Pedestrian Railroad Crossings
Refer to Section 7.53 Bicycle Intersection Crossings for Design Criteria and Other Design Considerations for the design of Pedestrian Railroad Crossings ( Figure 7.41.12 ).
Figure 7.41.12 . Center Street sidewalk in downtown Arlington shows how pedestrian signage is used at railroad crossing .
7-14 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines