Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 122

Design Criteria :
• The transit stop treatment should meet ADA accessibility requirements .
• Where transit stops warrant a pullout location due to high traffic conditions , a minimum of 8-foot-wide sidewalk pavement , the length of a regular transit vehicle , shall be provided .
• In addition to the sidewalk width , provide a landing pad or additional pavement area for loading and unloading for transit passengers . Landing area is 10 feet by 5 feet minimum .
• A minimum 4-foot clear zone should be provided so transit vehicle doors can open fully .
• Non-slip pavement surface should be provided for all loading and unloading areas .
• Benches , shelters , waste receptacles , and lighting should be provided at each stop .
• Benches shall not be located closer than 5 feet to the curb where speed limits are 35 mph or less , 10 feet from the curb where speed limits are greater than 35 mph , and 10 feet where there is no curb .
• Refer to zoning and development codes for shelter placement . If no standards apply , shelter placement shall meet the minimum standards established for benches . Shelter location should not adversely impact vehicular sight visibility and / or adjacent residence or business use .
• Transit stops shall be signed .
• Route and schedule information should be provided along with a location map .
• Transit stop design shall avoid conflicts with bike lanes .
• Curb extensions or bulbouts should be considered to allow passengers to board and exit transit vehicle without conflict with the sidewalk pedestrian flow .
• Varying curb heights should be avoided .
• Stops located after ( far side of intersection ) or near intersections should be examined closely so that transit , traffic operations , and pedestrian conflicts are avoided .
• Transit operators need to be able to safely re-enter traffic . Sight distance and location site amenities are critical in transit stop design .
• At large transit facilities , bicycle racks , public telephones , and drinking fountains should be provided . At larger stops , storage facilities may also be warranted .
• Coordinate with the City of Arlington on the required site furnishing for each transit location .
• At high capacity centers , avoid drastic level changes . If stairs or elevators are provided , make sure they are wide enough to allow faster passengers to pass .
7-16 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines