Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 116

• Mid-block crosswalks can be considered in a controlled environment with speeds less than 35 mph , after a traffic study has been provided and the City Engineer has approved them .
• For quantitative guidance on marked crosswalks at uncontrolled locations , see the 2005 FHWA Safety Effects of Marked Versus Unmarked Crosswalks at Uncontrolled Locations Final Report and Recommended Guidelines ( www . fhwa . dot . gov / publications / research / safety / 04100 / 04 . cfm # toc110157073 ).
• Provide high-intensity activated crosswalk ( HAWK ) system when providing mid-block crossings ( Figure 7.41.4 ). HAWK signals are applied to intersections or mid-block crossings with low vehicular volumes where bicyclists and / or pedestrians have difficulty obtaining adequate gaps in major street traffic to safely cross the street . These signal faces will rest in an off condition until a bicyclist and / or pedestrian activates a control sequence . After flashing yellow and / or steady yellow change intervals , the red lenses will first display steady red , followed by a simultaneous flashing red display . The bicyclist or pedestrian then follows standard crossing signals with a countdown crossing signal and “ do not cross ” signal .
• Crosswalks should be used where substantial pedestrian and vehicular conflicts exist and not used indiscriminately .
• Crosswalks should be used at appropriate points of pedestrian concentration or where pedestrians could not otherwise recognize the proper place to cross ( e . g . loading islands , mid-block pedestrian crossing ).
• Crosswalks may be provided to concentrate or channelize multiple pedestrian crossings to a single location .
• Crosswalks should be utilized at approved school crossings on recommended safe school routes .
• Advance warning signs for motorists should be installed for mid-block crossings .
• Continental or ladder style high-visibility marked crosswalks are preferred .
• If possible , the crossing distance should be minimized by using curb extensions .
• Median refuge islands should be considered , especially for high-volume and / or multi-lane roadways .
• Signal timing patterns should be adjusted to minimize pedestrian conflicts with right or left turning vehicles .
• Visibility should be enhanced for motorists to recognize pedestrians and yield the right-of-way .
• On-street parking should be removed or minimized in the immediate proximity of an intersection . These locations provide an ideal location for a curb extension .
Figure 7.41.3 . Typical signage placement for midblock crosswalks .
Figure 7.41.4 . Typical signage placement for midblock crosswalks .
7-10 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines