Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 117


• Pedestrian activated ( or passive detection ) flashers should be considered in addition to overhead signage .
• Motorist speeds should be reduced and controlled at crosswalks locations .
• Crosswalks should not be installed at locations which could present an increased safety risk to pedestrians , such as locations with poor sight distance , complex or confusing designs , substantial volumes of heavy truck traffic , or other dangers without first providing adequate design features and / or traffic control devices .
B . Advanced Stop Bars
Located at all signalized intersections and at multi-way stops , advanced stop bars are used to provide warning for automobiles that a pedestrian zone is approaching . Advanced stop bars are located on roadway pavement in advance of the crosswalk to prevent automobiles from encroaching on the pedestrian zone .
Design Criteria :
• Advanced stop bars should be placed 4 feet in advance of any marked crosswalks .
• The advanced stop bar should be a 24 inch wide white line across the length of the travel lane ( s ).
• See Arlington Design Criteria Manual for additional information regarding advance stop bar design requirements .
C . Curb Extensions
Curb extensions are often used as traffic calming devices in high pedestrian areas . Typically installed at curb radii , these are also known as bulbouts or neck downs and they reduce distance for pedestrians to cross streets . This improves pedestrian safety and slows turning vehicle movement . Curb extensions can be used on one side of a one-way street radius and at midblock crossings where pedestrian traffic is high , such as in downtowns or on main streets . Curb extensions should be considered at all intersections where on-street parking is allowed . Curb extensions improve visibility of pedestrians by motorists . This visibility can be further improved with lighting and signage .
Design Criteria :
• Refer to the Thoroughfare Development Plan for minimum travel lane width .
• Maintain appropriate travel lane widths . Refer to the City of Arlington ’ s Thoroughfare Development Plan .
• Provide ADA accessibility ramps at crosswalk locations .
• Follow MUTCD standards for signage and traffic markings for advance warning of curb extensions .
• Maintain pedestrian and vehicle visibility and sign distance .
• Line up sidewalks , curb cuts , and crosswalks at intersections .
• Average daily traffic ( ADT ) on the affected street should be between 800 and 3,500 .
• Street must be at least 750 feet long and must have existing curbs and an asphalt width of 22 feet .
• The speed limit may not be greater than 25 mph .
• Adequate provisions for emergency vehicles must be provided .
• The curb extension is best applied on local and minor collector streets .
• The curb extension is best used in conjunction with features such as textured or highly visible crosswalks , raised intersections , median refuge islands , or on-street parking .
• Curb extensions may require additional drainage provisions .
• Bollards or other landscape improvements can be used with curb extensions to provide pedestrian safety and visual enhancements .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-11