Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 115


7.4.1 Pedestrian Intersection Crossings
A . Marked Crosswalks
Marked crosswalks designate pedestrian and / or bicycle rights to cross a street at intersections and at mid-blocks . Texas State law defines and summarizes guidelines as it relates to crosswalks and the pedestrian right-of-way . The law defines “ a marked crosswalk as a pedestrian crossing that is designated by surface markings and an unmarked crosswalk as an extension of a sidewalk across intersecting roadways .” The State of Texas law recognizes both marked and unmarked crosswalks and makes no legal distinction between the two in assigning pedestrian right-of-way ( Figure 7.41.1 ).
Figure 7.41.1 . Example of marked crosswalk .
A mid-block crossing is a pedestrian crossing that is not located at a roadway intersection . If a mid-block crossing is not designated by marked crosswalks , pedestrians must yield the right-of-way to motorists ( Figure 7.41.2 ).
An uncontrolled location is a roadway intersection or other mid-block crossing that is not controlled by either a traffic signal or a stop sign . Uncontrolled locations can be the most difficult and challenging places to provide safe pedestrian crossings .
When determining appropriate pedestrian crossings , it is found that quantitative criteriabased warrants , along with qualitative criteria and practical guidelines , should be studied to address unique problems in the community .
When providing a pedestrian crossing , proper signage should be considered in addition to marked crosswalks to improve safety and visibility . For example , at mid-block crossings , fluorescent green pedestrian crossing signage with lighted signs should be installed at crosswalks to ensure safe pedestrian crossing ( Figure 7.41.4 ).
It is recommended that marked crosswalks should be 10 feet wide or the width of the approaching sidewalk , if it is greater . Textured crossings , using non-slip bricks or pavers , help raise a driver ’ s awareness through increased noise and vibration . Marked crosswalks combined with curb extensions , illumination , and
Figure 7.41.2 . Typical mid-block crosswalk .
signage can improve the visibility of pedestrian crossings . Crosswalks send the message to motorists that they are entering a pedestrian area . A traffic study should be used to determine if a marked crosswalk will enhance pedestrian safety . This is usually in locations that are likely to receive high use , based on adjacent land uses .
Design Criteria :
• The design must meet and follow the City of Arlington Design Criteria Manual , Chapter 6 and MUTCD standards and information on pedestrian crossing signage and crosswalk markings .
• Use thermoplastic markings that are highly reflective for crosswalks .
• Crosswalks shall have a minimum 10-foot width .
• Appropriate push buttons and walk signals should be placed at signalized intersections indicating when pedestrians may cross .
• Adequate street lighting shall be provided at crosswalks .
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-9