Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 108


The following is a list of national and state references / resources utilized to develop the design guidelines for the City of Arlington ’ s Hike and Bike System Master Plan . Many of these documents are available online and provide a wealth of information and resources to the public .
Federal Guidelines :
AASHTO Guide Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities , 1999 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , Washington , DC . www . transportation . org
AASHTO Green Book Policy on Geometric Design of Streets and Highways , 2001 ; American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , Washington , DC . www . transportation . org
Bicycle Lanes Versus Wide Curb Lanes : Operational and Safety Findings and Countermeasure Recommendations ; U . S . Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration www . fhwa . dot . gov / publications / research / safety / pedbike / 99035 / 99035 . pdf
Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access Part I of II : Review of Existing Guidelines and Practices U . S . Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration www . fhwa . dot . gov / environment / sidewalks / index . htm
Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access Part II of II : Best Practices Design Guide U . S . Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration www . fhwa . dot . gov / environment / sidewalks / index . htm
MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices , 2009 Federal Highway Administration , Washington , DC . mutcd . fhwa . dot . gov
State and City Guidelines :
PBIC / APBP Bicycle Facility Selection : A Comparison of Approaches ; Michael King , for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center Highway Safety Research Center , University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill ; August 2002 www . bicyclinginfo . org / pdf / bikeguide . pdf
Bike Lane Design Guide ( City of Chicago ) www . bicyclinginfo . org / pdf / bike _ lane . pdf
Bicycle Parking Design Guidelines www . bicyclinginfo . org / pdf / bikepark . pdf
Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan www . oregon . gov / ODOT / HWY / BIKEPED / planproc . shtml
Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices ( MUTCD ) www . txdot . gov / txdot _ library / publications / tmutds . htm
Local Guidelines :
City of Arlington , Texas Design Criteria Manual www . arlingtontx . gov / publicworks / pdf / design _ criteria _ manual . pdf
City of Arlington , Thoroughfare Development Plan www . arlingtontx . gov / planning / Transportation . html
North Central Texas Council of Governments www . nctcog . org
ITE Manual Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares : A Context Sensitive Approach http :// www . cnu . org / streets
7-2 | Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines