Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 109


These recommended Hike and Bike Design Principles have been tailored to meet the specific development needs of the City of Arlington ’ s pedestrian and bicycle system . They are based on creating a livable community where bicycling and walking will be incorporated into existing and proposed transportation projects to achieve the overriding goal of improvement , safety , convenience , and comfort .
Because streets are a critically important part of a livable and healthy community and the growing demand for multimodal streets , this document adheres to the “ Complete Streets Principle ” that roadways shall be planned , designed , and developed to enable safe , attractive , and comfortable access and travel for all users which includes walking , biking , and public transit , to co-exist with automobiles . The Complete Street Act is currently being debated in Congress and should it be approved , it will require that “ all federally funded transportation projects , ( with certain exceptions ), must accommodate the safety and convenience of all users in accordance with certain Complete Street Principles . This will ensure that the safety and convenience of all users of a transportation system , including pedestrian , bicyclist , public transit users , and motorists are accommodated in all phases of project planning and development .
This document is also based on the principle of designing hike and bike projects that are aesthetically pleasing and sensitive to the environment and community within which they are located . This type of design process is often described as context sensitive design . Hike and bike improvements must incorporate the important and often competing values of a variety of stakeholders that live , work , and play in the City . Successful solutions that address safety , mobility , and the communities overall interest shall prevail .
The following are key principles for these design guidelines :
• The City of Arlington has both off-road trails and on-street pedestrian and bicyclist facilities . These two systems will be interconnected to make it possible for many destinations in the City to be accessible for pedestrians and bicyclists .
• The law gives bicyclists the same rights and responsibilities as automobile drivers . In Arlington , all roads except for limited access highways are legal for bicycle usage .
• Bicyclists typically have a wide range of skill levels from expert to novice . These skill levels are commonly designated as Type A , B , and C . A Type A bicyclist is an experienced adult who is capable of riding in motorized traffic in a shared road situation . A Type B bicyclist has less experience and is most comfortable riding in a sepa-
Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines | 7-3