Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 107



Chapter Contents 7.1 Introduction 7.2 References & Resources 7.3 Design Principles 7.4 Pedestrian Network 7.5 Bicycle Network 7.6 Multi-Use Facilities
7.7 Pedestrian and Bicycle Signage
7.8 Bicycle Parking and Storage
7.9 Traffic Calming
7.10 Bikeway and Walkway Maintenance
Walking and biking are becoming popular alternative modes of transportation for residents to navigate in and around the City . A key goal for the City of Arlington is to provide design guidelines for future development so as to facilitate a safe environment for bicyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities . These design guidelines are based on national standards and best practices for this region and around the country .
How to Use this Guide
A full list of design guidelines is outlined in this chapter . The intent of this chapter is to follow the example set forth in the national design standards as defined by the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials ( AASHTO ), the Americans with Disabilities Act ( ADA ), the Federal Highway Administration ( FHWA ), the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices ( MUTCD ), and the Texas Department of Transportation ( TxDOT ). The City of Arlington intends for these recommended guidelines to be used in designing a complete , safe , attractive , and functional off-road and on-street environment in the City for both pedestrians and bicyclists . In some cases , design adjustments may be necessary in order to achieve the best result . Any design adjustments need to be evaluated by a qualified engineer , landscape architect , or state bicycle coordinator . If national standards are revised in the future and result in discrepancies with this chapter , the latest national and state standards should prevail for all design decisions .
How this Guide was Created
This chapter was created as part of the Hike and Bike System Master Plan . Additional information from other reports and studies were used to develop the different criteria of each type of recommendation . This guide incorporates comments and input from the City of Arlington .
Table of Contents Chapter 7 : Design Guidelines |