Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 102


6.4 Action Steps Table
Task Lead Support Details Phase
Approve and adopt this Plan City of Council Project Consultant
Through adoption , the Plan becomes a legitimate planning document of the City . Adoption shows that the City has been part of a successful , supported planning process and is a partner in implementation .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 )
Adopt “ Complete Streets ” policy .
City Council
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation , Public Works and Transportation , HBAC
The City of Arlington should adopt a “ Complete Streets ” policy , described in Chapter 6 , to continue the momentum of the hike and bike master planning process and adoption . This policy will send a clear signal of the City ’ s intention to design , construct , and reconstruct streets that are meant for all modes of transportation .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 )
Create official City of Arlington Hike and Bike Advisory Committee ( HBAC )
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation , Public Works and Transportation
The HBAC will be instrumental in promoting biking / hiking and championing implementation of this Plan . The group would play a strong role in assisting City of Arlington , fundraising , and establishing programs and activities . The group should be divided into meaningful subcommittees such as policy , program , implementation , and evaluation groups . HBAC members should be responsible for reading the Hike and Bike System Master Plan and becoming familiar with the content .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 )
Continue public outreach through the media
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
The City of Arlington should utilize the media to announce the adoption of the Plan . Media would include all local newspapers , websites , and local television . When significant hike and bike projects are constructed , the media should be notified in order to spread the word to the public . This will help build upon successes .
Continuous / Ongoing
Identify priority projects
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
Public Works and Transportation , HBAC
The City of Arlington should utilize Section 3.5 to identify priority projects . Tables 3.2 and 3.3 provide recommendations for criteria and weighting that may be used to determine priority projects .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 )
Complete priority projects
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
The prioritization of hike and bike system development will provide a list of the most important projects to improve connectivity and safety . Consider a bond
Public Works and referendum for greenways and roadway improvements
Transportation , TxDOT , HBAC for bicycle transportation . First phase work that can be done at a low cost includes crossing improvements and the simple bicycle lane / bicycle route projects .
Short-Medium Term ( 2011-2013 )
Identify and secure specific multiple funding sources and facility development options for priority projects implementation
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation , Public Works and Transportation
HBAC , Bike Friendly Arlington , TxDOT , project partners
Appendix C contains funding opportunities . Chapter 7 describes hike and bike system development methods .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 ) and Continuous / Ongoing
Hold quarterly project development meetings with project partners
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
These meetings will help establish a process of incorporating hike and bike improvements into upcoming roadway projects . Many hike and bike projects recommended in this Plan could be developed as part of a roadway reconstruction , widening ,
Public Works and or resurfacing project . Coordination between all
Transportation , TxDOT , HBAC appropriate City departments and TxDOT will ensure that recommendations in this Plan are implemented . The City of Arlington , with assistance from HBAC , may need to “ chase pavers ” on occasion to ensure facilities are implemented during ongoing projects .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 ) and Continuous / Ongoing
6-12 | Chapter 6 : Implementation