Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 103

Task Lead Support Details Phase
Update Design Criteria Manual using design guidelines developed in this Plan
Public Works and Transportation , Community Development and Planning
Parks and Recreation
The design guidelines in this plan represent the most current AASHTO and MUTCD standards for development of the hike and bike network . These should be utilized and become an official component of the Design Criteria Manual . ( Chapter 8 )
Short Term ( 2011-2012 )
Coordinate policies between this Plan and the Comprehensive Plan
Community Development and Planning
Public Works and Transportation
The City of Arlington Hike and Bike System Master Plan should become a component of the Comprehensive Plan . This step will make clear the importance of both documents working together in future development and growth decisions . Also , recommended additions / revisions found in Chapter 6 should become amendments to the Comprehensive Plan .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 )
Make revisions and additions to ordinances
Community Development and Planning
Public Works and Transportation
The changes suggested in Chapter 6 serve as recommendations for the Code of Ordinances , Subdivision / Zoning Ordinance , and Design Criteria Manual . They reflect the findings and recommendations of this Hike and Bike Plan , and clarify some basic policy positions regarding future development of the hike and bike system . Some edits are also suggested for consistency in terminology .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 )
Conduct a bicycle parking study to ensure adequate bicycle parking , especially at high demand locations .
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
Identify and inventory existing parking facilities and make specific recommendations for the location of additional bicycle parking facilities . A phase priority listing should be developed for implementation . Also : 1 ) Work with local business associations to determine needs , 2 ) Finalize policy requirements , 3 ) Develop programs and funding mechanisms such as sponsorship , 4 ) Develop incentives and assistance to encourage private building owners to install bike racks , 5 ) Revise special events permitting and ensure that bike parking is provided at large events in the Entertainment District , 6 ) Ensure high quality guideline for design and placement ( see Chapter 8 ), and 7 ) Encourage upgrade of existing , inadequate bike racks .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 )
Ensure planning efforts are integrated regionally
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
Combining resources and efforts with surrounding municipalities , regional entities , and stakeholders is mutually beneficial . After adoption by the City , this document should also be recognized in regional transportation plans .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 ) and Continuous / Ongoing
Publish Annual Performance Report ( Benchmark Progress )
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
Publish an annual report to provide an update on progress made during that year to advance hike and bike modes .
Continually evaluate implementation of this plan through monthly progress reports and an annual work plan
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
The HBAC , along with key City departments , should evaluate the progress of this Plan and set measurable goals within an annual work plan .
Continuous / Ongoing
Develop a long term funding strategy
Grow Safe Routes to School program locally .
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation
Community Development and Planning , Parks and Recreation , Local School System
To allow continued development of the overall system , capital funds for hike and bike construction should be set aside every year , even if only for a small amount ( small amounts of local funding can be matched to
Public Works and Short- to Mediumoutside funding sources ). The City may even start a Transportation , TxDOT , HBAC
Term ( 2011-2013 ) small matching grant fund for future grant opportunities . Funding for an ongoing maintenance program should also be included in the City operating budget . ( Appendix C )
Local schools , HBAC , SRTS Program
Apply for Safe Routes to School funding for planning and implementation . Establish ‘ bike-to-school ’ groups , walking school buses , and regular bicycling activities for children through the Safe Routes to School Programs through 2012 .
Short Term ( 2011-2012 ) and Continuous / Ongoing
Chapter 6 : Implementation | 6-13