Hike and Bike System Master Plan Hike and Bike System Master Plan | Page 101


Pedestrian Projects
Residential and Commercial Development As detailed in Appendix C , the construction of sidewalks and safe crosswalks should be required during development . Construction of pedestrian elements that corresponds with site construction is more cost-effective than retrofitting . In commercial development , emphasis should also be focused on safe pedestrian access into , within , and through large parking lots . This ensures the future growth of the pedestrian network and the development of safe communities .
Retrofit Roadways with New Pedestrian Projects For priority pedestrian projects , it may be necessary to add the improvements before a roadway is scheduled to be reconstructed . In some places , it may be relatively easy to add sidewalk segments to fill gaps , but other segments may require removing trees , relocating landscaping or fences , re-grading ditches or cut and fill sections , and / or relocating / reconfiguring the drainage system .
Repaving Repaving and resurfacing projects provide a clean slate for revising pedestrian crosswalks , especially high visibility marked crosswalks , advanced stop lines , and enhanced curb ramps . Depending on the project , sidewalk and refuge islands may be developed as well .
Chapter 6 : Implementation | 6-11