HHRI_men_ENG_web1 | Page 55

2.6.2 Louis , 45 , Democratic Republic of Congo . Reactions and symptoms .
Louis was sexually assaulted and seriously injured by soldiers , who killed his family . He does not obtain help until long after the abuse occurred .


His trauma symptoms include :
• A feeling of powerlessness .
• Guilt and shame .
• Amnesia .
• Overactivation .
• Mood swings and irritability .
• Flashbacks and nightmares .
• Depression and suicidal thoughts .
When he was attacked , he was ridiculed and sexually mutilated . Louis experienced great powerlessness because he was unable to defend himself or his family . He developed a strong sense of guilt . Tragically , his family was murdered , which made him deeply ashamed , and it represented a serious challenge to his manhood . He had been humiliated and the shame and guilt he felt , as he later understood , were intended effects of the trauma the soldiers inflicted on him . This sense of de-masculinisation was a cause of shame in his culture . He had been deliberately sexually assaulted to demonstrate his impotence and to assert the soldiers ’ power over him .
Louis still has amnesia and cannot remember the event completely . This is a well-known defence response after trauma , that helps survivors not to be overwhelmed by terrible memories .
After losing everything , Louis fled to a refugee camp but felt insecure until he was resettled in a place where he felt safe . Integration , a new partner , and work created some stability in his life . Nevertheless , he had numerous symptoms , which included mood swings , depression , irritability . He had a lot of pain that was unattended to and felt that he had to appear strong . Survivors often experience overactivation when their past is triggered . Louis sometimes wanted to end his life . He had intrusions ( nightmares and flashbacks ) when he relived the cruelty he experienced . Although his life situation had stabilised , he still felt uneasy .