HHRI_men_ENG_web1 | Page 54


2.6 The five stories : focusing on reactions and symptoms

Aim . In this section , we retrieve the stories to identify what the five survivors find particularly stressful and traumatic . We also describe the reactions and symptoms that they struggled with subsequently .
Here we describe reactions and symptoms . Part Three shows how the reactions described can be alleviated and treated by a variety of therapeutic tools and exercises .
2.6.1 Ibrahim , 17 , Afghanistan . Reactions and symptoms .
Ibrahim was exposed to abuse for a long time , before and during his escape . Although he is safe now , he struggles with his trauma reactions .


These include :
• Dissociation .
• Memory loss .
• Mood swings .
• Depression .
• Guilt and shame .
• Nightmares , triggers and flashbacks .
When Ibrahim was sexually abused at night , he detached from it . This indicates a dissociative state , in which Ibrahim disconnected from reality . His inability to recall those nights , even much later , signals amnesia ; he has “ forgotten ” ( effaced from his conscious mind ) all that was terrible . This is a well-known protection strategy . It is considered a survival reaction that protects a person from constant exposure to bad memories . Sadness and becoming quiet is also a frequent reaction among survivors when they have been exposed to unbearable situations over time . Ibrahim was threatened by the Commander and was afraid that his family might be hurt or that he would be killed if he failed to cooperate . In addition , he was ashamed of what he had to do and assumed that he would be rejected by his family if he spoke to them about it . Extreme shame , guilt and low self-esteem are typical symptoms after trauma . Ibrahim “ assumed ” that something in his behaviour was to blame , that he was in a way “ co-responsible ” for his predicament . He experienced mood swings and quickly became angry for no apparent reason . Almost every night he had nightmares and flashbacks (“ intrusions ”). These are undesirable images from the past that reappear , often without obvious reason . Ibrahim dreamed of having a girlfriend . But his experience with a female abuser made him confused and shaped his view of women . He was often triggered by everyday events that reminded him of his past and triggered a bodily reaction . For example , he became nauseous when he smelled tobacco smoke and felt afraid when voices were raised , or he heard loud music .