Hero Instinct Hero Instinct | Page 6

Relationship Fix Tip #4: Work Toward a Solution. Though sharing your thoughts and feelings is a vital step, it's also important to work toward a solution. Avoid having a back-and-forth conversation about thoughts and feelings. Once you and your man accept each other's thoughts and feelings and have discussed them, work toward a solution. For solutions, make sure they fit your relationship. You can apply advice you receive from others, but most of the time, they won't work for your relationship. You and your man have to look at your relationship objectively and find out what the core problems are. Then, find solutions to those core problems. Once you find the right solutions, the most important part is to execute them. If you know how to resolve the problems in your relationship, you need to act if you want to save it. Another part to this – don't turn to family or friends for solutions. Only you and your partner know what's going on in your relationship. Dragging more people into your personal life makes everything more dramatic and stressful. Find solutions on your own with your partner.