Hemorrhoid No More PDF / Guide Jessica Wright's Book Free Download | Page 16
External hemorrhoids usually do not hurt, but can cause some bleeding, itching
and even a bit of discharge. On occasion, a blood clot can develop within the
vein, which feels like a hard marble in and around the anus. This is caused a
thrombosed hemorrhoid and can be extremely painful. Depending on their
severity, a thrombosed hemorrhoid may need to be removed surgically.
Within these two hemorrhoidal groups are several classifications or grades of
severity for hemorrhoids. They include:
G r a d e O n e :
this is the least painful and problematic of all hemorrhoid
grades. Symptoms include a slight enlargement of the hemorrhoidal
veins, with the possibility of some slight bleeding.
G r a d e T w o :
during this stage of hemorrhoidal growth, hemorrhoids
prolapse during straining, but recede on their own.
G r a d e T h r e e :
a more complicated and painful type of hemorrhoid, in
grade the vein prolepses and must be manually pushed back in. Bleeding
usually occurs.
G r a d e F o u r :
the most painful of all hemorrhoids, grade four’s are so
large they are always noticeably protruding from the anus and bleed
frequently. They are also very painful.
| Hemorrhoid No More | By Jessica Wright
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